20: Cheeseburgers

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What the fuck was Ashton thinking?

Oh yeah, that's right. He wasn't.

He was clearly crazy, because no sane human would make out with the person they supposedly hated the most, would they? But there Ashton was, lying on the couch with Ryker on top of him. Their hands and lips were all over each other, and that's how they spent most of the next few hours after making their 'deal'. 

Apart from cooking a very late lunch and having a very awkward meal together, of course.

"I should get back home," Ashton finally said. Ryker paused kissing his neck as he propped himself up on his elbows so that he could look at Ashton.

"Stay the night."

"What?" Ashton was looking at the other man as if he had suddenly grown two heads. Why would Ashton spend the night at Ryker's house? That is, when he was sober and not sick.

"Yeah," Ryker said softly. "Stay the night."

"I don't have any clothes," Ashton replied. It was the first thing that came to his mind.

"Wear mine," Ryker immediately suggested. "I mean, you kinda already were so it makes no difference."

"I meant for tomorrow," Ashton muttered. "We have work. Your clothes won't fit me properly and I'm not wearing the same ones I wore yesterday. I'm pretty sure they have my vomit on them."

"I threw them in the washer, don't worry, they'll be completely clean and ironed for you tomorrow morning," Ryker said, surprising Ashton even further. Ryker knew how to do...laundry? And moreover, he did it for Ashton?

"Oh," Ashton blinked, not knowing what to say. "I still don't think that it's a go—"

Ashton was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing. Ryker frowned, getting off from on top of him and sitting down on the couch, still fully naked. Ashton sighed as he grabbed his phone from the table to see that it was his agent calling him.


"Ashton," Malcolm spoke. "Where are you?"

"What do you mean?" Ashton asked, immediately growing nervous. Did he know where Ashton was? Oh god, did the media find out? Ashton's heartbeat shot up in an instant at that possibility.

"You don't have a shoot today and nothing else is on your schedule either," Malcolm paused. "I'm at your house but you're not here. Vivienne said you haven't been home since yesterday."

"I can have plans without you knowing every single one of them," Ashton muttered as he exhaled quietly in relief. Ryker grabbed both of their boxers, pulling his on before throwing Ashton's at his lap.

"I'm your agent, Ash, it's my job to know your whereabouts," Malcolm retorted.

"Why are you at my house anyway?" Ashton questioned, knowing that there was no point in arguing with the older man.

"It's not just me," Malcolm continued, his tone suddenly become hesitant. "Your mother is here too. She wanted to see you."

"You and mom are at my place? Right now?" Ashton sat up straighter, his mom's mention was scarier than the media finding out what he had been up to with Ryker. And that was saying something.



"I just told you that she wanted to see you."

"She could've called ahead to let me know," Ashton grunted.

"She tried to but apparently you still aren't picking up her calls," Malcolm retorted, making Ashton curse internally.

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