'Inventing Room'

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As we stepped inside we were greeted with the tinkering and whirring clinking of the machines found inside. The sudden steam hisses and bubbling of over boiling liquids was very familiar, as well as the smell of blueberries, chocolates and caramel's that filled the room.

-"Now this is the most important room in the entire factory" I gave a fake cough to make my opposition clear which Willy glared at.

-"Now everybody enjoy yourselves, but just don't touch anything" Willy walked to me as everyone ran off.

-"Very funny" he half teased and scoffed out, I just gave an innocent smile and shrug walking away quickly.

-"Hey, Mrs. Wonka, what's this?" Violet asked.

-"Albert if you will?" I asked the Oompa loompa who was swimming inside the water tank with candies on the inside.

-"Thank you!"

-"These are everlasting gobstoppers, they are meant to last for a long time"

-"Willy made these for children who get very little allowance, it's more accessible" the parents nodded while Violet turned to me again, comment ready.

-"It's like gum"

-"No, gum is for chewing, try chewing one of these and you'll break all your teeth" Willy replied to this comment after making his way to us.

-"Come along, let's look at something else" he walked us over to the machine that produced hair toffee.

-"Try one of these and in exactly one hour you'll start growing a new crop of hair, even a mustache or a beard!"

-"Who wants a beard?" Mike asked a bit rudely, why are all these kids so mean.

-"Well, beatniks for one, folk singers, bike riders..." Willy was losing his confidence once more as the parents and kids just stared at him as if we were speaking tongues or something.

-"Unfortunately the mixture isn't quite set, 'cause Matt tried some yesterday and..." I continued for Willy, but stopped when Matt walked in.

-"...you look good?" Matt held up two thumbs up and walked away.

-"...anyways, watch this!" Willy pushed the lever on a machine down, a whole set of huffs, hissing, mechanical whirring rung before the machine moved to extend a part to let out a piece of gum.

-"You mean that's it?" Mike retorted as Violet picked off the piece of gum.

-"Do you even know what 'it' is?" Willy scoffed out.

-"It's gum"

-"Yeah, it's a stick of the most amazing and sensational gum in the whole universe" Willy's excited smile made me happy to see he was enjoying himself.

-"Know why? Know why?! 'Cause this piece of gum is a full on 3 course dinner all by itself!"

-"Why would anyone want that?" Mr. Salt asked a bit rudely.

-"Em..." Willy looked at me and then shuffled through his cards.

-"It'll be a break off of mother's who cook all day" I filled in for him halfway, Willy gave a nod then continued.

-"This piece if gum happens to be tomato soup, roast beef, and blueberry pie"

-"It sounds great!"

-"It sounds weird"

-"It sounds like my kind of gum" with that said Violet put the piece of gum in her mouth and began to chew.


Happy last day of school for those who are done! 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Willy Wonka x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now