Veruca Salt

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-"Daddy, I want a squirrel, get me one of those squirrels"

-"I want one" Veruca demanded, stopping one of her short heeled flats.

-"Vercua dear, you have many marvelous pets"

-"All I've got at home is one pony, two dogs, four cats, six bunny rabbits, two parakeets, three canaries, a green parrot, a turtle, and a silly old hamster! I want a squirrel!"

-"All right, pet, daddy will get you a squirrel as soon as he possibly can"

-"But I don't want any old squirrel, I want a trained squirrel!"

-"Very well" Mr. Salt turned to Willy, who was pretending to not have eavesdropped on their whole conversation.

-"How much do you want for one of your squirrels? Name your price" Willy looked down at me.

-"There not for sale, she can't have one" I told him, watching as Veruca's once smile turned into a frown.


-"I'm sorry, darling, Mrs. Wonka is being unreasonable" Willy imitated Mr. Salt, and I will say it was rather good.

-"If you won't get me a squirrel, I'll get one myself" with that said Veruca slid through the gated door and went down the steps.


-"Little girl?"

-"Veruca, come back here at once" Veruca continued walking, not caring for the other's that called after her.

-"Veruca, don't touch the squirrels, they don't like being bothered" I called out to her, but as expected she ignored me.

After many calls and warnings she ignored all and took the little squirrel in the corner. But as she reached over to him they all jumped on her to attack. As expected they checked whether she was a bad nut or not, and surprise surprise she was a bad nut. They dragged her over to the hole where she fell down into the garbage chute.

-"Where does that chute lead to?" Mr. Salt asked anxiously as Willy tried opening the door.

-"The incinerator, but don't worry we only light it on tuesday's" Willy smile to himself.

-"Today is tuesday" Mike caused all of us to stare at Willy.

-"There may be a slight chance they decided not to light it today?"

Mr. Salt waited desperately and anxiously for Willy to open the door, once he did he rushed down the stairs as the Oompa loompas appeared out of nowhere signing their new song. As they wrapped up their song they pushed Mr. Salt into the chute and left. We all just kinda stared until another Oompa loompa pulled on my coat.

-"Oh, that's wonderful news! Thank you Timmy" he walked away.

-"He said the incinerator is broken since last thursday"


I hoped you enjoyed the chapter!

Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I wasn't home till very late at night.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Willy Wonka x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon