Mike Teevee Part 1

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-"I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier, the elevator is by far the most efficient way to get around the factory" Willy told us as we all shuffled inside the glass elevator.

-"There can't be this many floors" Mike disagreed with the elevator's buttons that started from the ceiling of the elevator to the floor.

-"How do you know Mr. Smartypants?" I smiled at Willy's childness.

-"This isn't an ordinary up and down elevator, it goes up, down, left, right, sideways, slantways and any other way you can think of"

-"Just press ant button and whoosh, you're off-" Willy was cut off as he pressed a button that shook the elevator to go to the side,  it turned onto the side it was going.

-"Oh, look! Look! Ladies and gentleman welcome to fudge mountain!" he pointed at the large mountain of fudge that we were passing by.

-"Oh!...I rather not talk about this one..." we passed the cotton candy and sheep's...yeah not very fun to explain.

-"This is the puppet hospital and burn center, it's a bit new" I hated this room, it creeped me out too much, but the Oompa loompas liked it a lot so...

-"Oh the administration offices! Hi, Dorris!" Willy and I waved at Dorris, who as usual had a stern expression as she typing away on her computer. She's not very chatty.

-"Oh, I don't like this one" I mumbled as I hid my face in Willy's chest while we passed the candy cannons. The sounds scared me, reminded me of gunshots or something, Willy chuckled and patted my back soothingly.

-"Can I pick a room?" Mike's voice was loud enough for everyone to hear over the loud noise going in the outside.

-"Go ahead"

I took a quick peak and saw him choose the 'Television Room', a bit expected if you ask me. We turned sideways once more, crashing into the right wall as it turned. We got off the elevator once reaching the 'Television Room' and Willy quickly handed me a pair of glasses, telling the other's to do the same.

-"This room is for my very latest and greatest invention, 'Television Chocolate'"

-"One day, it occurred to me, if television can break a photograph into millions and millions of tiny little pieces and send them from one screen to the other, why can't I do the same with chocolate?"

-"Sounds impossible" Mr. Teevee commented.

-"It is impossible, you don't understand anything about science, first-" I cut Mike off.

-"Kid, you've been on a whole tour all day seeing the 'impossible' made possible, are you really questioning my husband after all we've seen?" he stayed silent.

-"Okeydokey, I shall now send one bar of chocolate from one side of the room to other by television"

-"Bring in the chocolate!" the Oompa loompas brought in a huge bar of chocolate which Willy explained was needed to be that large to pass through television.

-"Alway's dramatic" I whispered to Willy as he dramatically pushed the red button and music began to play.

-"But you like it" he teased back.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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