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      "Are you hungry?" He asked. I nodded. "I bought stuff for homemade pasta with shrimp if you want to help me make it," he said. I smiled and nodded. We went downstairs and I guess everyone could tell I was crying because they all asked me if I was okay. I nodded yes.

      "What happened?" Justin asked. I looked at Ryan and he was already following through.

      "Apparently someone told her I was cheating on her because she was too ugly for me.." he said. I traced his stare and it went straight to Regie. He apologized again and I told him it was ok. Ryan took out the ingredients and it turned out he already premade the dough at some point.

      Isn't he just perfect. I had no experience making homemade pasta but Ryan did apparently. We took out the dough and he guided my hands and formed it all into long noodle shapes. I filled a pot with water and started to boil it on the stove while Ryan fixed got the noodles ready to put in the pot.

      I definitely didn't do it exactly like he wanted but I did good enough I guess. For the sauce Ryan did some magic mixing in some things too fast I couldn't read the labels. As he was stirring it I hugged him from behind and smelt the concoction. It smelt so good I was already drooling. He kissed me on my forehead and continued stirring.

      I heard more "Awwws" and "Ewws" as always. I just smiled and kept hugging Ryan. Did I ever tell you how rock solid his abs are. I don't know but they definitely deserve to be mentioned. He poured the noodles in the boiling water while I prepared the shrimp. At least I know how to take out the string thingies and their shells. I guess I'm classified as a professional chef now.

      I got through all the shrimp with some help from Ryan and we started cooking them on the stove separately then once cooked we poured them into the sauce. Once the noodles were all ready I set the table with bowls and utensils.

      While Ryan was lookin cute taking out the pasta I was quickly making a fruit salad with watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, and pineapple with the help or Regie after I hugged him and totally forgave him for what he said. He insisted on helping me and I didn't mind. I put the spoon in the bowl and Regie took it out to the table.

      I took the seat next to Ryan and admired our hard work. The boys were all running in after smelling the food and hearing us call for them. When I dug my fork in to try the pasta it was heavenly. We all agreed this was one of the best meals ever had. By the end all of it was gone and there was no room for dessert.

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