Call me! RockStar Wally X Reader

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Inspired by Jade381's Tiktok

(C/f) - Chip flavor

June 15|2023

"Are you really going to bring that?" You looked over to Elise, your womb to tomb, best friend and other half asked bitterly, only making the smile on your lips grow wider. 

"Yup!" Popping the 'p' you tossed the shining red apple in your hand and caught it once again,
"Gonna get my man." You were mostly joking, a big smile on your lips as you continued to toss and catch the red apple, Elise rolled her eyes and brought up her big sticker-covered water bottle to her lips ignoring your shit-eating grin. 

After a few moments of silently walking Elise spoke,
"Did you really have you write your number on that thing? What if some creep gets ahold of it?" You saw Elise shudder, now it was you rolling your eyes still playing with the apple.

"Then I'll change my number," Elise let out a relieved sigh but you continued,
"And at the next concert, I'll have that number on the apple." You laughed as she playfully swatted at you,

"Why you little-" Elise left the sentence unfinished, a smile tugging at her lips as the both of you continued to walk toward the large building. As you got closer, the more fans you saw, all walking into the doors that lead to the big auditorium. You began to feel giddy, this wasn't your first concert, nor was it the first concert of His, you let out a soft hum at the thought of seeing him onstage. 

Singing his heart out, giving cute comments, and joking with his audience and fellow band members. He was probably going to wear a loose tank of some sort, one that was loose but would cling to his sweaty body as he moved about onstage-

"I heard Howdy is going to be singing twice." Elise's voice tore you from your thoughts, you looked over to see Elise daydreaming her mind probably filled with Howdy's voice already. You shook your head and opened your mouth to retort when Elise let out a gasp and was down in a blur. 

"Eep!" Elise barely caught herself with her hands before her face kissed the hard rocks of the parking lot the two of you were walking on,
"Tripping over Howdy, and you say I'm obsessed." You snickered and she threw up her hand, middle finger up adorned with what you thought to be one of your rings,
"Oh suck my ass, you put your number on an apple." Elise smiled as she said it, you shook your head and lent out your hand to finally help her up.

"Whatever, let's go see our boys." You hooked your arm around hers once she was fully standing and she let out a laugh,
"Yeah right, our boys. Keep dreamin' kid." Elise was barely two years older than you, you put the apple in your small clear bag, it wasn't filled with much so as to not upset security. Just a water bottle, your cell phone, wallet, keys, and the apple as well the edible marker that you had thrown in on accident after writing down your number on said apple. 

As the two of you got inside and wandered further into the building, you finally came upon one of the security checks. Surprisingly not many people were around, you shrugged it off and smiled at the woman who was going to check your bags and tickets. 

Wordlessly you and Elise handed over your bags, she went through Elise's first and then handed it back to her and then began to check yours,
"What's this?" She pointed out the apple, Right no outside food or beverages, water of course is okay, I guess I tried,

"She needs the sugar, it was all we grabbed from the house," Elise spoke with certainty to her voice, the woman nodded and handed you your bag with a smile.

"Here you go," Elise handed the woman both of your tickets, she examined them and ripped away a portion of both of them before handing back the ticket stubs,
"Enjoy the show you two." She smiled and let you two pass, you both thanked her and began walking down the hallway towards the main auditorium. 

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