Priest Wally X Demon Y/n (1)

631 16 19

July 27|2023

"Father Wally," Wally looked up to meet the eyes of his fellow pastor and brother, Eddie,
"Sister Sally and Sister Julie have welcomed a new neighbor into the town, would you like me to open their heart to the word of Home?" Wally gave a small nod and Eddie was off to greet the new neighbor.

Wally went over his sermons and it was an hour later when Eddie entered his study, his face bright red and his robes a mess of wrinkles,
"Brother Eddie, what-"
"Forgive me, Father Wally, but you need to set this. . . neighbor. . . on the path of Home. Right away." Eddie took a few moments to catch his breath and Wally stood, picking up his large book of Home.

"Brother Eddie, what happened?" Wallys question made Eddies face bright red again, Eddie pulled at his collar and cleared his throat.
"I went to their home, and I offered to talk to them about joining the church. . . She invited me in for some lemonade and. . ." Eddies cheeks darkened, and he stared down at the carpeted floor as he continued to tell Father Wally what the new neighbor had done, and tried to do.

"Well it certainly sounds like they need Home in their life. Here," Father Wally held out his hand and Eddie grabbed it and the two of them stood up,
"You go get your robes straightened out, Sister Julie will help you, and I will go deal with this, new neighbor." Eddie nodded at Wallys words and the two of them left Wallys study, they made their way through the large church and parted ways at the alter.

Wally held his large book of Home close to his chest and made his way out of the church, headed for the old townhouse at the edge of town, he wanted to make sure this new neighbor would put an end to their sins and accept Home into their life.


"Oh my twitchy witchy girl, I think you are so nice~" You hummed and poured the food into the small bowl,
"I give you bowls of porridge, and I give you bowls of ice cream~" You set the bowl down into the kitchen floor and clicked your tongue.
"Nyx~ here baby" You heard the familiar jingle of Nyx's collar and soon she came into the kitchen her black tail swaying with her body.

"There's my pretty kitty, lunch is served." You gave her soft head a few pats and then made your way to the dining room, plenty of boxes that you still had to unload, you gave a sigh and peered out the windows. When you saw no one, you turned and wiggled your fingers at one of the boxes.

It opened and it's contents floated out, you turned and walked into the living room and waved your hand, the objects flew past you and settled where you wanted them to. You turned to open another box when a knock on your door made you pause, a smile pulled at your lips.

"Oh, he's back for more~" You giggled and happily skipped over to your front door, you opened it and we're met with a different Pastor. His hair was dark blue, and his robes were black, he held a bigger book than the last pastor and a gold chain was wrapped around one of his hands, you flinched at the symbol but managed to keep your smile.

"Hello~" You leaned onto your doorframe and looked up at the Priest, he studied you for a moment before he have a soft nod of his head,
"Greetings, new neighbor." His voice was like music to your ears,
"Would you like some lemonade, Father~?" You drew out the last word and he cocked his head to the side.

"Is that some sort of code for you, dear?" Your eyes flashed with surprise and you only have a soft hum as you turned and walked into your home, leaving the door open for the Priest.

"This house used to be my grandmother's, she left it to me, I have lots of memories in this house." You told him what you told the other pastor, you heard the glass door click closed and the sound of his footsteps following behind you.

"I hope your aren't allergic to cats, dear, Nyx is very loving and affectionate to new people." You smiled to yourself at calling him dear, once in the kitchen, you opened up the cupboard and pulled out a glass.
"I don't mine animals, but that's not why I'm here-" You filled the glass with ice and poured in the fresh lemonade.

"Oh, did your friend tell you about me~?" You set the glass down on the kitchen island and gave the priest an innocent smile,
"He was quite shaken from your," He fished for a word,
"Advancements. You do know he has a husband?" This made you pause, Husband, so that's why he didn't kiss back, he's gay and loyal, I'm going to have to appogize later. . .

"Oh, oh dear, I wouldn't have. . . If I had known. . . Oh goodness. . ." You sniffled and let tears start to well up, your turned from the Priest and brought your hands to your face to wipe your eyes and hide your smile.

"I tempted a married man, excuse me, I have to pack." You walked past the Priest, and began to grab at random things, spices, wall decorations and when your hands were full you walked over to an empty box and began shoving the items in.

As you knelt by the box you heard the Priest get up and walk over to you, you sniffled and let the tears fall,
"I'm so sorry, I'll be gone before sunset-" The priest put his hands over yours and you paused, looking up at him through blurry tears and strands of (h/c) hair.

"Now why would you leave? You just got here-" You turned away and pulled at the pots and pans sitting on the bottom shelve beside you,
"I tried to seduce a married man, I can't stay here, it's such a small town, I can't be the town tramp!" You sniffled and shoved the pans into the box, Let's hope this works, not a moment later the Preist took your hands in his and you faced him once again.

"You won't be the town tramp, please stay, if you feel so badly, why don't we go down to my church? You can confess your sins and allow Home into your heart and soul, you can ask Eddie for forgiveness while we're there." You focused on his words and ignored the gold chain of his that slowly burned your hand, you looked into his eyes and felt something strange.

In all your one hundred and twenty three years of living, you had never felt anything like this, your heart raced and your stomach felt funny, a smile pulled at your lips and you nodded. You pulled your hands from his and wiped your tears, and hid the chain like burn on your left palm.

"You, never told me your name." It had just slipped out, if you really wanted to could have just used your powers to sort through his memories and thoughts to learn his name. Something about him, maybe the look in his eyes or the gentle way he spoke, made you not want to invade his thoughts and true feelings.

He gave a smile and you felt it again,
"Father Wally, High Priest of Home." You smiled and the two of you stood up,
"Let's go to the Church, have you ever confessed before?" Wally walked beside you as you made your way through the house to your front door,
"No, I've never been much for the gods." Even if I could set foot onto church grounds I probably still wouldn't, You cleared the thought from your head and Wally opened up the door for you.

As you walked past the threshold you turned back,
"Nyx, don't get into any trouble!" You gave Wally a smile and locked the door behind you, the two of you began walking toward the center of town, and you banged your brain for an excuse not to go to the church, and you came up with nothing.

July 28|2023

July 28|2023

Y/n how could you do that to Eddie? (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Sorry for the lack of updates, I'm still trying to get a new phone, don't forget to vote :3

Spread the spores,

-~1431 Words~-

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