The Conflict

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Stella had been criticizing the Hidalgos since Jenna and Stella left the Imperial Palace till they returned home. "That elderly woman is senile. I would have given her a lesson if it weren't for her young age!"

Being accustomed to it, Jenna grinned. "Ignore it. Stay above her level, please. But they won't be around anymore."

The two women were conversing and giggling. When they eventually returned to the Anderson Mansion, Gino Anderson sat on the sofa reading the newspaper. Gino Anderson was rarely seen because he was constantly busy at work. He conveyed a noble, stern, and uncaring appearance.
Jenna acted like a spoiled child and joyfully ran over and gave him a back hug.

He still felt like he knew him even after two years had passed. "Big brother, welcome back at last! When you sent me home, why did you vanish?"

Gino saw her squirm around him helplessly and adoringly. The warm ambiance dispelled his chilly aura. "I was required to attend a crucial meeting. As soon as everything ended, I hastened back. Your gift is here."

Gino habitually did this. He would always bring her gifts on business trips, no matter how far he traveled. This was a limited-edition handbag that had been specially made but had yet to be introduced to the market. It was precious in the market and cost an eight-digit sum. It was remarkable to Jenna.

Gino got Stella a unique Chanel perfume that most women liked because he knew she would be there.
Stella grabbed it and muttered, "Thank you," her face blushing.

On the other hand, Gino had his eyes glued on his sister and missed Stella's expression.
He was heartbroken and just wanted to give her the best because he knew she was going through a difficult period.

On the other hand, Jenna pays close attention to Stella's response. She grinned wider and was already daydreaming about their future.

"Your second brother is currently unable to return since he is engaged in a secret scientific research project in a laboratory abroad. Your third brother is attending a film festival and will return soon. You are welcome to observe me at work for the next few days.

Jenna had a bitter expression, but she knew there was no getting out, so all she could do was nod in agreement.

Late at night

"Holy crap!"
When Stella contacted Jenna, who answered the phone in the middle of the night with a sleepy voice, Stella was hyperventilating, so Jenna asked, "What's wrong?"

"Go online immediately! After the divorce, the Hidalgos continued to throw mud at you. They claimed that you took something from them, but if you return it before tomorrow, they won't call the police. Otherwise, they'll take advantage of you. It's becoming popular online!"

Jenna quickly went online after feeling her heart sink. As it turned out, the hashtag #HidalgosExWife was really popular online.

In a formal statement, the Hidalgo Corporation accused Jenna of lacking moral integrity and stealing priceless jewelry during the divorce.

"Valuable? Do they even dare to flaunt $10 million worth of jewelry? Do they believe you have never seen money?" Stella swore angrily.

The internet comments speculated that Jenna was expelled from the Hidalgo family due to her bad behavior.

They spread so much hate online and even found Jenna's social media accounts. The only positive memories she had throughout the previous two years and shared on social media were all twisted into false narratives by those vengeful internet users.

[Pleasant times? I believe she is faking it. ]

[She deserved to be kicked out of the family!]

[They ought to simply dial the cops. She is a clown as well as a robber!]

There were numerous other vile remarks made toward Jenna.

Jenna has already seen that type of jewelry. Rex kept it locked up in the safe, and neither she nor she ever asked for the password.

'Haha! Rex wants to throw mud at me after our divorce and doesn't even have the most basic sense of decency? Does he believe I'll put up with this nonsense?'

Jenna instantly dialed Gino's number. "G, I've discovered that K's entertainment company is under my name. Who is running it now?"

Gino took a brief pause and scratched his brow. This news had just come to his attention. "Deather Cruz. I'll ask him to take care of that trending hashtag immediately."

"No need. I'll take care of it on my own."

Jenna's voice was neutral. 'Don't they want to engage in conflict? Do they believe I'm afraid?'

After one night, this hot topic spread like wildfire. Everyone called Jenna a rat and made fun of her.

Jenna signed into her social media account at 8:00 am and posted a picture and a caption.

She then glanced at the lovely day outside and grinned sadly at herself.
'I was indeed too naive to get married to Rex Hidalgo...'

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