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Ok, so this has come to fruition after years of reading fanfiction and a sudden urge to do something. Let me be frank and say that I am not taking this story seriously as this is just a way for me to take my mind off of things. So story updates will be VERY random. I could upload a chapter tomorrow and the next one comes out a year later, or I could just stop uploading all together, after all my want to write just came out of nowhere, so yeah! Also I'm thinking of bringing a few characters from other franchises to the story, though this will not be a full on crossover, just me using some characters I like. Oh! And one more thing, English is not my native language so I apologize for any mistakes I'll make. Without further ado let's just jump right in!

Red vs Blue : Mirage Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin