Horizon Finance Part 3

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Scene opens to Mirage and Horizon walking through the streets.

Mirage: [robotic voice] Okay! So far witnesses say they saw someone matching our guy’s description last Friday. On a side note they also said they’ve seen a group of armored men around the same time as our target.

Horizon: Perhaps your hypothesis is correct.

Mirage: If he’s ‘hired’ a mercenary team, then maybe he’s going on this expedition he had talked about.

Horizon: Considering his determination in procuring a loan from my business, that is a likely possibility.

Mirage: So our next order of business will be going where his ‘expedition’ is taking place. Let’s go!

They began walking out of the district and towards the station they had first arrived at.

Mirage: So, tell me more about this Simon Walters fellow.

Horizon: Simon Walters. Born in Massachusetts, USA. Newly graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He first approached Horizon Finance in hopes of securing a loan to help fund his goal of researching an undiscovered Forerunner Temple in the Delta Quadrant of the Milky Way Galaxy. The research that he had accumulated and showed me in hopes of obtaining my collaboration wasn’t enough to indicate the existence of this so-called temple. The evidence he provided was flimsy at best, and very much circumstantial.

Mirage: Uhuh… so why’d you give him the money anyway?

Horizon: He was annoyingly persistent. He would show up in front of my main office everyday causing a commotion, thus disrupting my business. So in order to make him stop I accepted his application.

Mirage: Wow, so all it took to get you to fold was a little begging?

Horizon: He had kept up his charade for almost two years.

Mirage: … Seriously? Damn, he must’ve been either really convinced that this temple exists, or he’s an obsessed lunatic.

Horizon: Truly, how unlucky I am to have come across those kinds of humans.

Mirage: To be fair, with your type of business it’s basically a given for you to be attracting those kinds of people.

Horizon: Point taken. This shows how truly selfish and egoistic humans are.

Mirage: Hey c’mon, not everyone’s like that. Take me for instance.

Horizon: I fail to see the distinction.

Mirage: (pouts) Alright, fine. But my point still stands. Just as there are selfish and evil people there are also selfless and good people. You can’t just have all the bad without having some of the good.

Suddenly, a child’s cry is heard. They stopped and turned to it and saw a little girl crying over her spilled ice cream.

Girl: (crying) Waaaah!

Mother: I’m sorry, my dear. But mommy forgot her purse at home, so I don’t have anymore money to buy another one.

Mirage goes over to the parent and child. Horizon watches from where she’s standing.

Mirage: (crouches down in front of the girl and says in a soft voice) Hello there!

The child is startled and hides behind her mother.

Mirage: (holds his hands up) Hey, hey, it’s okay. Sorry, I couldn’t help but over hear, but did you just drop this ice cream?

The girl nods shyly.

Mirage: Well darn, that’s definitely a way to dampen your mood. Oh, how about this!. (stands up and faces the ice cream vendor) Excuse me sir, but can I buy three ice cream, preferably the same one this girl bought?

Mother: W-wait! Sir, you really don’t have to–

Mirage: Hey, it’s cool. (to the girl) I’d be really sad too if my favorite ice cream fell, especially on this hot day, right?

Girl: (looks in awe then giggles) Hehehe. (nods)

The ice cream man hands Mirage three ice cream.

Mirage: Thank you my good sir. (turns to the girl and gives her an ice cream) Here. Now, let’s wipe those tears from your face. You look cuter when you smile, y’know!

Mother: Thank you so much, sir. Dear, what do you say to the kind man?

Girl: Thanks so much for the ice cream, sir robot!

Mirage: Hehe, no problem! Now, be a good girl and listen to your mommy, alright?

Girl: (salutes) Yes sir!

The mother and daughter leave. Horizon is still watching the scene, though a small smile has appeared on her face.

Horizon: Perhaps your conjecture isn’t as wrong as I expected.

Mirage returns to Horizon’s side.

Mirage: Sorry ‘bout that. Here ya go. (hands Horizon an ice cream)

Horizon: (takes the ice cream) This frame does not require sustenance to function.

Mirage: (smug) Yeah, but ya can.

Horizon: (looks at the ice cream for a moment before licking it) Luckily this frame is outfitted with taste sensors to increase human likeness.

Mirage: Heh. Anyway, what were we talking about?

Horizon: We were discussing how you were going to track where Simon’s expedition could be taking place.

Mirage: (snaps his finger) Right! Send me all the research he showed to you. I’ll see what I can figure out.

They both continue to make their way to the station while eating their ice cream.

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