The Wrong Crowd

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With the Reds, who were still in the underground cave.

Sarge: And then Donut will use all our grenades to bombard the base, while we move forward in an advanced cover-fire formation.

Grif: Got it. And nobody hurts Sister. That's my job.

Simmons: Why does Donut get to stay on the sidelines?

Sarge: Because, he's got a great arm. Heh, he coulda gone pro.

Donut: It comes from years of tossing.

Sarge: And as discussed, in the event that we are cornered and no other options exist, Donut will make sure to save at least four grenades, one for each of you. And two for Grif.

Donut: Anyone have a preference of Frag or Sticky? Tell me now, I don't want any complaining later on.

Simmons: Frag. No, wait, Sticky.

Grif: Surprise me.

Simmons: I'm gonna change back to Frag.

Donut: Hey Sarge, have you thought about calling for reinforcements? Like when we called for the ship.

Grif: You mean the ship that crushed you while bringing more blue soldiers? Yeah maybe we shouldn't do that.

Sarge: It's worth a shot. They owe us one now.

Radio sounds, and as Sarge speaks there's an echo in the cave

Sarge: Come in Command. Are you there? Vic, are you there? Come in! Is this thing on?

Simmons: Does anybody hear that echo?

Donut: Yeah, we're in a cave Simmons. Caves echo. Duh. That's how bats navigate.

Simmons: No, it seems like it's coming from back the way we came.

Grif: Did you say bats? What bats? Were you talking about bats?

Donut: Um, just, bats in general.

Grif: Don't bullshit me dude, I heard bats.

Vic: Hehehey, rojo amigo. What's goin' on?

Sarge: Vic, we need help! The Blues have executed a brilliant plan, and it looks like we've fallen for it perfectly. No doubt they're celebrating at our very own base as we speak.


At Red base, where Church and Tucker are standing around, talking.

Tucker: Aaaand she's gone again.

Church: What'd you expected? This pretty normal behavior for her, dude. She usually just ups and leave whenever she wants, usually to bang another guy.

Tucker: Why? Cause you can't keep her satisfied all by yourself? If it were me, I'd be rocking her world every. Single. Night.

Church: Pfft, oh please. You wouldn't last more than half a minute.


Back with the Reds.

Sarge: We're going to die if we don't get some help over here, Vic.

Vic: Uh, hey dude, it's Vic Junior. We already covered that.

Sarge: Hrr, Vic Junior. We're going to die if we don't get some help over here.

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