Chapter 9

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Chapter: New Beginnings and Asserting Independence

I woke up on Monday morning, my first day of school, and glanced at the clock. There was still an hour before I needed to be there, so I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to Ethan, reminding him to come pick me up in 45 minutes. With that task accomplished, I followed my usual morning routine, getting ready for the day ahead.

As I descended the stairs, I noticed all of my brothers gathered in the dining area. Their eyes widened in surprise when they saw my outfit—a white collared shirt underneath a Harvard sweatshirt, paired with stonewashed jeans and an elegant silver necklace. They stared at me, momentarily speechless.

One of my brothers finally managed to stammer out, "Uh, Harvey, you... you look pretty."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at their feeble attempts to compliment me. "Thanks for the groundbreaking observation," I replied sarcastically, digging into my breakfast.

Another brother chimed in, trying to save face. "No, seriously, Harvey, you look really nice. Ready for your first day?"

I smirked, taking a sip of my orange juice. "As ready as I'll ever be. Just hoping the school won't be filled with clones of all of you."

Their expressions shifted, a mix of surprise and guilt flickering across their faces. My father cleared his throat, breaking the tension. "Olivia, you'll be giving Harvey a ride to school today," he announced.

Olivia's eyes lit up, and she struck a pose, asking in a faux innocent tone, "How do I look?"

I bit my lip to hold back a laugh, but I remained silent. I didn't want to fuel her need for attention. The discomfort among my father and brothers was palpable, as they shuffled uncomfortably in their seats, avoiding eye contact with her.

Finally, my father's voice broke the silence. "Harvey, you should have your own car for convenience. I can arrange-"

I cut him off, my tone firm and resolute. "I don't need favors from any of you. I won't be swayed by cars or rides. My friend will pick me up, and I'll manage just fine. You can continue living your lives as you have for the past ten years."

There was a momentary pause as my words sank in. I could see a mixture of surprise, hurt, and frustration in their eyes. But I held my ground, determined to assert my independence and make it clear that I wouldn't be controlled or bought with material offerings.

One of my brothers, attempting to diffuse the tension, stammered, "Harvey, we... we just want to help and make things right."

I scoffed, pushing my plate away. "Help? Make things right? It's a little too late for that. But don't worry, I've got this."

The room fell silent once again, and I realized that I had made my point. With a renewed sense of empowerment, I finished my breakfast and stood up, ready to face the day. As I walked away from the dining area, I could feel their gazes on me, but I didn't turn back.

This was my new beginning, and I was determined to assert my independence, navigate my own path, and forge my own identity.

As Ethan and I pulled up to the school parking lot in our dinged-up but undeniably cool car, the loud engine announcing our arrival, I couldn't help but notice the stares from fellow students. Normally, I would've despised such attention, but today I decided to embrace it.

With a mischievous grin, I turned to Ethan. "Looks like we've got an audience," I remarked, raising an eyebrow playfully.

Ethan chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Seems like they're not used to seeing someone break the mold around here. Shall we give them a show?"

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