Chapter 14 (Part 2)

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I apologise for the delay darlings :)

I sat at the restaurant, my anxiety causing my leg to bounce up and down involuntarily. Damien occupied the seat next to me, while Adrien and Devin sat across from us. The table trembled slightly, a reflection of my nervous energy. Sensing my unease, Damien reached out, placing a comforting hand on my thigh to still its trembling. A blush crept across my cheeks as I felt his touch, and I found myself unable to look away from his hand, making no attempt to remove it.

Leaning closer, his voice barely a whisper, he spoke into my ear, "Stop shaking, Darlin. People are starting to notice." His words sent a shiver down my spine, and I clutched his hand tightly, silently pleading for him to keep it there. I knew that if he were to remove it, my anxiety would return full force. A subtle shake of my head conveyed my request, and he smirked in response before returning his attention to his meal.

Devin engaged me in conversation, attempting to distract me from my inner turmoil. I opened my mouth to respond, ready to join in the discussion, but before any words could escape, Damien's hand began to rub gentle circles on the inside of my thigh. My voice caught in my throat, and my glare bore into him, expressing my displeasure at his audacity.

Damien's actions only served to intensify the conflicting emotions swirling within me. I swiftly pushed Damien's hands away from my thigh, my voice laced with frustration as I glared at him. "Cut it out, Damien," I said through gritted teeth, my words barely above a whisper.

He chuckled softly under his breath, his dimples deepening as he continued to smile at me. The effect it had on me was both infuriating and mesmerizing. I felt my heart skip a beat, but I refused to let his charm distract me. I shifted my gaze downward, avoiding his piercing stare.

Just as the tension at the table grew unbearable, my phone pinged, signaling a new message. I excused myself from the table, needing a break from Damien's presence. As I walked away, I could still feel his heated gaze burning into my back.

I found a quiet corner and answered the call, leaning against the balcony railing for support. Killan's voice was filled with concern as he asked me where I was and who I was with. I hesitated, contemplating whether to mention Damien's presence. Taking a deep breath, I finally decided to be honest with Killan.

"I'm out to dinner with my two brothers, and... Damien is here," I replied, my voice tinged with unease.

On the other end of the line, Killan's tone shifted immediately. His voice became protective, his words laced with underlying tension. "Damien? Be careful, Harvey. I don't trust him."

Before I could respond, Damien's presence enveloped me once again. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me against his chest. I stiffened at the unexpected contact, my heart racing. Damien tilted my head gently, forcing me to meet his gaze. I struggled to concentrate on Killan's words as my attention was torn between the two.

As Killan's voice grew louder and more insistent on the phone, Damien leaned closer to me, his warm breath tickling my ear. His whispered words sent a shiver down my spine. "Hello, Jake," he murmured, his tone dripping with mischief.

The conflicting emotions surged within me, caught between the familiarity and safety of Killan and the unresolved past that Damien represented. With a mix of confusion and determination, I pulled away from Damien's grasp, my eyes searching his face for answers.

Putting an end to the call with Killan, I assured him that we would talk later. I turned to face Damien, my expression a blend of uncertainty and curiosity. The air was thick with unspoken words, and I knew that navigating this complex web of relationships would require caution and introspection.

"Damien," I said, my voice wavering slightly. "What are you doing here? Why did you show up tonight?"

He met my gaze, his eyes revealing a hint of vulnerability amidst his confident demeanor. "I heard you were back, Harvey," he confessed. "I had to see for myself. We have unfinished business."

A rush of memories flooded my mind, reminding me of the tumultuous history we shared. I could sense the weight of our past colliding with the present, and I couldn't help but wonder how it would shape our future. The journey ahead was uncertain, but I knew that I had to confront the truth and untangle the complicated threads that bound us together.

I somehow managed to survive through the night. Thankfully Damien decided to play nice, like a good little boy, and not play any more tricks. When we reached home, I wrapped my arms around Devin, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I miss you," I said, walking up to my room. He responded with laughter of his own.

As I lay in bed, my mind racing with a mix of anger and frustration, I couldn't help but acknowledge how much Damien had grown since we were young teenagers. Despite being only a month younger than me, he had sprouted to towering heights, easily surpassing 6'4" while I remained at a measly 5'1".

It felt like an unfair advantage, his imposing presence contrasting sharply with my petite frame. Even Killan, whom I had always considered tall, couldn't match Damien's stature. The thought of his hands, his lips that had once shared tender moments with mine, and his overall allure stirred conflicting emotions within me. I scowled, attempting to push those thoughts aside, as I desperately sought solace in the realm of sleep.

As morning came, I streched in my sleep, yawning as I got up. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and that's when I noticed it, the dark figure in the corner.

My heart raced, and a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins as I struggled to catch my breath. I couldn't believe what I was seeing—the audacity of Damien being in my room, his hand covering my mouth to silence any protests. I couldn't let fear overpower me. With a mixture of anger and defiance, I sank my teeth into his hand, drawing blood and causing him to curse in pain.

"What's wrong with you, little brat?" Damien scowled, his expression a mixture of annoyance and irritation. I glared back at him, my voice muffled but filled with defiance as I bit back my response.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I hissed, my words dripping with contempt. I pushed him away, creating a physical barrier between us, determined to stand my ground.

Damien's scowl deepened, but his eyes danced with a twisted amusement. He seemed to revel in the chaos he had caused. "Didn't Adrien tell you?" he taunted, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "I'm staying here, brat. For the next three months."

Disbelief and fury coursed through me, and a scream of frustration and disbelief escaped my lips. I had to get out of here. I had to escape this suffocating nightmare. Without a second thought, I darted around the room, gathering my belongings, packing my suitcases with hurried urgency. Damien followed closely behind, his presence only fueling my determination to leave.

As I folded clothes and tossed items into my suitcase, Damien's voice seeped into my ears, taunting and mocking. "Where are you off to, little one?" he sneered, his words dripping with condescension, his proximity making my skin crawl.

I spun around, my eyes blazing with a fire I could barely contain. With every ounce of strength I had, I pushed him away, both physically and emotionally. "Listen here you fucking dumbwit. You're younger, you need to learn some respect. I'm not little, I'm not the brat, you are infact. and I'm definitely not yours," I retorted, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and vulnerability.

Damien's smirk widened, his eyes gleaming with a sinister delight. He leaned in closer, invading my personal space, a chilling whisper on his lips. "Who said anything about you being mine?" he goaded, his words laced with a sickening suggestion. "Unless, of course, you want—"

My patience snapped, and I forcefully pushed him away once more, my voice filled with an unyielding fury. "If you're staying in this house, then I'm not," I declared, my voice firm and resolute.

I refused to let his presence define me or dictate my choices. Determination surged through me as I zipped up my suitcase, ready to face the unknown challenges that lay beyond the walls of this suffocating place.

Sooo :/ Atleast he's tall and hot 😭 y'all want a face claim? To see what he looks like in my head?

Love Lost: Mafia StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang