Chapter 26

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The day before the Mafia ball, I found myself sitting at a conference table with my brothers, my father, and Damien. The meeting was dreadfully boring, and I couldn't help but sneak glances at my phone to text Liam and Ethan, hoping for some distraction. Killan hadn't been responding to my messages, which left me feeling a bit uneasy.

Suddenly, my father cleared his throat, pulling my attention back to the room. With a bored sigh, I set my phone down on the table, and my father began to speak. He mentioned that the Russian mafia was known for its traditions, and despite some changes, certain things remained unchanged. He explained that every lady attending the ball needed to be escorted by a man. I felt a pang of anxiety in my chest, wondering who I would be accompanying.

With a nonchalant shrug, I said, "That's okay, I'll just show up with Kills," trying to act unfazed. However, the room fell into silence, and everyone stared at me as if I had committed some grave offense. Confused, I demanded to know what was wrong.

One of my brothers then spoke up, explaining that showing up with Killan would imply that I was announcing myself as the Queen of the Russian Mafia. Apparently, only the Queen accompanies the soon-to-be King, and it would signify an engagement or marriage to Killan. The idea of such a serious commitment left me choked for a moment.

I quickly tried to brush it off with a nervous laugh, turning to the side and saying, "So no Killan then." I scanned the room, searching for an alternative, and my gaze fell on Damien. I pointed at him and said, "Be ready by 8, and you better clean up nice."

Without waiting for a response, I got up from the table and hurriedly left the room. My heart raced as I processed the implications of showing up with Killan at the ball. It was a lot of pressure and responsibility, and I needed time to think about what I really wanted. Hence, I chose to ask Damien to accompany me instead, hoping that it would give me some space to figure things out.

As I left the conference room, I couldn't shake the feeling that my life was about to change in a significant way. The anticipation and uncertainty weighed heavily on my mind, and I knew I needed some time alone to reflect on my feelings and the path I wanted to take. The night of the Mafia ball was fast approaching, and my decision would shape not only my future but also the dynamics of the Russian Mafia.

The next night had arrived, and I found myself nervously pacing around my room, waiting for a message from Killan.The clock was inching closer to eight, and my heart was pounding with nervous anticipation.

I stood in front of the mirror, wearing a breathtaking midnight blue ballgown that accentuated my curves and concealed my scars. As I paced, I heard a gasp behind me, and I turned to see Damien, looking utterly stunned.

"Wow, Harvey, you look absolutely stunning," he said, his cheeks flushed with admiration.

I smiled, feeling a bit flustered by his compliment. "Thanks, Damien. You don't look too bad yourself," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

He grinned playfully. "Well, I always aim to please."

I rolled my eyes, secretly enjoying his lighthearted banter. "Let's just hope you can keep up with me tonight," I teased.

We made our way downstairs, and as we waited for the others, Damien leaned down and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. "You look utterly divine," he whispered.

The gesture took me by surprise, and my cheeks flushed pink. "Thanks," I murmured, feeling a mix of emotions.

"You two make quite the pair," Adrien said, coming into the room and giving us a knowing smile.

I shot him a look, trying to hide my nerves. "We're just going as friends," I clarified.

Adrien raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "Sure, sure," he said with a playful wink.

Before I could respond, Luca and Ethan joined us, and we were all set to head to the ball. As we walked to the venue, my mind was racing with thoughts about the night ahead. I couldn't help but wonder what surprises and challenges awaited me.

Finally arriving at the grand event, the opulence of the ballroom took my breath away. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement, and I felt a mix of nerves and anticipation. As we entered the ballroom, I looked around, scanning the crowd for any sign of Killan.

My phone vibrated in my hand, and I quickly checked the message. It was from Killan. "I'll be there soon," it read, and a sense of relief washed over me. At least he would be there, and I could explain everything to him.

The music started, and the night unfolded in a whirlwind of laughter, dancing, and elegant conversations. I danced with Damien and my brothers, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Damien proved to be an excellent dancer, and we moved gracefully across the dance floor.

As the first dance began, Damien and I swayed gracefully on the dance floor. He held me close, his hands gently guiding me in the waltz. The music seemed to envelop us, and for a moment, I lost myself in the enchanting atmosphere.

Suddenly, a loud noise caught us off guard, and we instinctively stepped away from each other. Turning to see what had caused the disruption, I saw the grand doors opening, revealing Killan standing there, his presence demanding attention. He wore a regal golden crown, and his eyes held a fiery intensity that seemed to pierce through the room. My heart skipped a beat, and I felt a mix of nervousness and excitement at his arrival.

Trying to make my way towards him through the crowd, Damien stayed by my side, a hint of jealousy in his eyes. I smiled at him, trying to reassure him that everything was okay, as we made our way closer to Killan.

Before I could reach him, Damien suggested we take a break from the crowd and led me to an open bar. As we stood there, enjoying each other's company, the laughter and light conversation around us momentarily pushed aside the tension that hung in the air.

But then, as if the world had slowed down, I turned around to find Killan standing behind me. His eyes locked with mine, and I felt a rush of emotions surging within me. My heart raced, and I was uncertain of how he would react to seeing me with Damien.

I attempted to wish him a happy birthday with a warm smile, but the anger in his eyes was undeniable. My hand hovered over his chest, wanting to reach out and calm him, but he seemed too distant, too lost in his thoughts.

Without warning, Killan leaned down, his hand cupping my cheek tenderly, and he pressed his lips against mine. It was unexpected, but I couldn't deny the flutter of emotions that surged through me. In that intimate moment, it was as if everything else faded away, and all that mattered was the connection between us.

As the world came back into focus, I slowly pulled away from him, my heart still pounding in my chest. We exchanged a glance, filled with unspoken emotions, before he took my hand in his, silently conveying that he needed me by his side.

I turned to Damien, who looked both surprised and hurt, and tried to explain, "I... I didn't expect that, I didn't know he would..." My words trailed off, unsure of how to express what I was feeling.

My heart sank as Damien stormed off, hurt and upset by the situation. I wanted to go after him, to explain and make things right, but I felt trapped in this whirlwind of emotions and secrets.

I turned back to Killan, who wore a satisfied smirk on his face. My anger flared, and I attempted to glare at him, trying to show him that I wouldn't be easily manipulated. But he seemed unfazed, as if he knew he had the upper hand.

"You might've been his first, but you're mine last," he said casually, and I felt a mix of anger and confusion. "I'm not yours," I snapped back, pushing him away from me.

Before the situation could escalate further, a loud bang echoed through the room, causing us both to turn around. The sound was unmistakably like Damien's scream, and a wave of panic washed over me. Without hesitation, I darted in the direction of the sound, not caring about anything else in that moment.

As I ran through the lavish halls of the mansion, my heart raced, fear gnawing at me. What had happened to Damien? Was he hurt? My mind raced with countless possibilities, each one more terrifying than the last.

Love Lost: Mafia StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum