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Catherine's pov

Today is my birthday.

I stayed at my dad's house last day. He arranged a birthday party for me. I told him there was no need, but he said there was a specialty at this party. All the others are busy with the arrangements. Susan selected a dress for me. Mom sometimes mentions James, which I avoid. I don't want him anymore in my life.

"Dad, let me help you," I said to Dad, who was running through the hall.
"No, go and get ready for the party; I have invited special guests for you. So you should be extra beautiful, he said. I didn't invite anyone. It was his department. I stayed in the room.

Third pov

The house is filled with balloons and lights. The cake is in the fridge. Many guests are coming.

As invited, Dominic came to the house. He was Jordan's special guest.
"Hello, Dominic," he said, greeting the guest.
"Hello, Mr. Johnson," he responded. Dominic looked around.
"If you are searching for a cat, she is upstairs," Susan said, pointing towards the door.
Dominic looked at both of them with shy eyes.
"What are you waiting for?" Jordan supported him. Jordan realized that Dominic was the one for Catherine. But the final decision is hers. Hearing Jordan, Dominic didn't wait. He ran to the upstairs. The door was not locked. Cat was looking at her dress.

"Happy birthday, cat," he said from the door. She was surprised to see him here.
"Thank you," she said. There was silence between them. It was unusual. Catherine also felt something off.
"What happened, Dominic?" she asked him. He was still at the door.
"Nothing," he said, dismissing the question.
"No, there is something," she says, not liking his silence.
"I am sorry. I shouldn't have to rush things. I should have waited more, he said to her. He was worried that she might think he was taking advantage of her divorce.
"How long are you going to wait?" she asked. He has been waiting for the whole of these years. And still, he is ready to wait.
"If it's for you, I can wait till my last breath." Anyone can see the sincerity in his eyes. She wanted to burst into tears. Why has she found it now? Not earlier. If it was before James,she must be leading a happy life with him.

He saw the Valentine's Day gift box on the table. It is not open.
"You don't like my Valentine's Day gift," he asked.
"How do you know?" she asked, looking straight at him.
"You didn't reply to my message, and you didn't wear the chain," he said, looking at that box. He has been keeping it for a long time.
"I didn't wear the chain because you didn't tie it around my neck," she said with a fake angry expression. Dominic was taken aback. He can't believe his ears. Did she say that? Or is he dreaming? He pinched himself. Not dreaming. His face brightened like the sun.

She opened the box and gave the chain to him. He took it from her hand. She turned around for him to lock the chain, and he did. Very slowly.
"Nic, you have waited very long, but I can't. I don't want to wait anymore. Not even for a second." Her cheeks are as red as tomatoes. He liked the name. Especially when it comes from her.
Dominic never forced her. He was willing to do anything for her.

She faced him. They were staring into each other's eyes. This silence was comfortable. Dominic's eyes have Catherine, and her eyes have him. There is no one in their world.
"Promise me. You will never leave, she asked him. His smile is too big.
"I promise. I can't leave you. Not in any of my lives, they said, holding hands and inching towards each other. There is tension between them.


Their sweet moment was broken by a third person.
" Heyyyy. Leave her, bro. We also have gifts to give, Henry said. Dominic was ready to murder his brother, but Cat stopped him.

"Where is the gift?" she asked Henry. He has no gifts in his hand.
" Me. Isn't my presence a big gift for you??" Henry asked.
" Indeed. I felt blessed. But Henry, who invited you here?" Catherine asked. Jordan was also there.
"Dad, did you invite him?" Catherine asked her dad.
"No," he answered with a laugh.
"Then who, Mr. Henry?" Cat asked.
"She," Henry pointed at Susan. When did this happen? They all looked at each other. Jordan was happy that his daughter had found someone at last.

"Okay, leave me. Let me get ready." She pushed everyone downstairs, including Nic.

Downstairs, all are secretly smiling at Susan and Henry. Wad joined them. Cerena was also there. Many guests are coming, and Jordan was busy.
The cat came down like a princess. All the eyes fall on her.

"Happy birthday, cat!" Cerena gave her a present.
"You look gorgeous!" Jordan hugged her.
"Happy birthday, cat!" I gave her a gift. "You did wear this," she said, pointing at the chain around her neck.
"You knew about this, "the cat asked. Which he replied yes.

"Let's cut the cake," Jordan announced. Mom was also there, but she was waiting for someone.
Catherine cut the cake. The first piece was offered to Jordan. He took a piece and gave it to her.

In the meantime, James, Victor, Daniel, and Selin came. They thought they were the cat's best friend, but now she was surrounded by many friends. She was laughing with them. Wad and Henry smashed the cake on her face together. She ran and poured the juice on them. The guests laugh at the funny scene. Dominic was wiping the cake off of her face. She was trying to run after Henry, but Domonic held her in one hand and wiped with the other hand. Cerena was drying Wad's shirt.

The four people felt unwanted. Catherine didn't look in their direction.
"Is it wild and dominic?" Selin asked. She remembered them.
"Yes," he answered.
"Now she has new friends. Famous and elite, Victor said. They knew about James's illegal relationship but didn't help her or point out his mistake. They played it safe.

"She doesn't want us or our gift," Daniel said, looking at how happy she is with them.
"No, that is impossible." James is still not ready to accept his mistake. James can see Dominic's hand on her waist. He is not taking it off for a second.

Daniel pulled James with him before he made a mess. Selin and Victor followed them.

"Leave me, Dany. I want to be there. That guy is touching my cat, James yelled from outside.
"She is not yours for fuck sake. Can't you see that?" Dany was also yelled at. He wanted to leave very fast.

There was the sound of footsteps. They all became silent. It was dominating.
James ran to attack Domino, but was pushed to the ground.
"I am not here for a fight. I am here to warn you; stay away from my cat." Dominic is a hard man. He uses his sweet voice only to speak to Catherine.
James doesn't like it. He was jealous of it. He knows about Dominic's business. He is at the top of the ladder, but he never expected Catherine to get someone like that. He always thought it was her luck to have a rich man like him. He wanted to see Catherine, who cried for him. Who will get happy at the sight of James? But no. James was burning inside.

Wade walked outside. He knows James will be here and is waiting for him.

"Dom, go inside; Cat is already missing you," slightly pushing Dominic inside. Dominic has a smile after hearing this news. He knows what it means to talk with them. So Dominic went to Catherine.

James is getting insane at the scene. He directed towards Wad.
" You. You are the reason for our separation, James said to Wade.
"Not me, James; it was you," Wad aimed back.

"And I have a surprise for you," Wade said, looking behind James. He also turned his head. It was the police. We have an old problem to deal with.

"Which problem? Is your girlfriend cheating on you with James?" Selin asked. It was the reason for their conflict.

" Girlfriend. Merlin was not my girlfriend. She was a girl who had a crush on me, which I rejected. Then this fucker made his move on her. But she didn't fall for his sweet words, so your friend raped her. These three friends have their hands on it. She didn't cheat on me." Wad roared. This is why I hated James to the core. This is why he took the initiative to separate the cat from his hand. Merlin was in the hospital for many years. Wad waited for her to recover. Now she is alright. She gave them a petition with her medical report.

The police took James, Victor, and Daniel with them.
"Enjoy my old fellows," I said, waved at them, and walked back to the party.

"Where you went? "the cat asked to wad.
"I was solving a case," he said, looking at Dominic. They knew what the case was.

The party continues with their laughs and smiles.

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