• Secret love • {PT 1}

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• Secret love •
   {PT 1 }

Moving away from the white board I let my five camp friends read through my next plan on how we should escape this killer dino infested island. Our first attempt didn't end all too well. At first everything was going so smoothly until a huge storm came our way out of the blue causing a huge wave to strike our mini well made raft. That was our only way home and it took us three weeks to find all the resources and a extra two weeks to build the stupid thing.

We all worked our asses off trying to find all the resources we needed for the raft. We all stayed up for nights on end despite how tired we all were, we were just all just so done with this shit hole, we wanted out and we still do. Surprisingly even Kenji helped out with finding all the stuff we needed and even doing the most of the building with the raft but also with some help of the others not being able to do all the building by himself. We were all so excited but so incredibly exhausted after we finally finished the mini raft only just fitting all six of us, just about. But of course the one day we set sail is the day a massive storm takes place and ruins all of our five weeks of endless work.

But this wasn't going to stop me and my friends. We are going to carry on no matter how long it takes or how tired we all our. we are determined to break free from this cured island and make it home to our families, to our warm, comfy, and calming beds that we have only been dreaming about for the past few months on end. That's why I have been spending the rest of of day planning our plan B on how to get out of here.

"I haven't quite finished yet but what do you guys think? You think it's gonna work this time?" I placed both my hands on the table we made while looking at the group in front of me anxiously awaiting for their responses. "I thi-" "I think it's great D! This is definitely going to work, good thinking man" Kenji cut Ben off standing up and patted my shoulder harshly making me hold my shoulder in slight pain but soon went away after a few seconds. Kenji really does have a strong grip and I'm not too sure that the taller is aware of that just yet. I looked towards Ben seeing his head down looking at the wooden floor with a low-spirited look plastered on his usual bright and smiling face.

I looked up at the sky seeing dark gloomy clouds starting to cover the once light land signalling its getting late and time to make the fire to keep warm. Looking back at Ben he was now looking right back at me, once noticing I was looking back at him his racing grew a deep cherry red only slightly noticeable if you were really looking at him because of the darkness over coming the dino filled land before quickly turning his head the opposite direction acting as if he wasn't starting in the first place. I laughed to myself quietly before making my way towards the slight older male and sitting down right next to him.

It took a few minutes before Ben realised that I was currently sitting right next to him. Once he realised he jumped up in his seat standing right up looking down at me with a shocked face before slowly sitting back down next to me slightly more closer than before but I didn't mind. "How are you feeling?" I spoke in a whispered tone of voice being too tired to speak loudly. I saw how Bens ears started turning a light shade of red before speaking back to me in a high strung voice. "I'm- uh.. I'm fine, what about you?" I only hummed lowly in response slowly lowering my head and resting it on the other boy's shoulder closing my eyes tiredly.

Before I made my way into the dream land I felt a warm arm wrap itself around my waist bringing me closer to the others side, few seconds later planting a small but loving kiss on my forehead "sleep well Darius" the sweet hushed voice of Ben spoke as he also rested his head on top of mine closing his eyes also before we both found our ways into our dreams.

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