Chapter 2: 10 years later

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Nicole POV

"Bloody hell Robbie! Give me back the 'Gameboy'!" I yelled at my older brother. "No way! It's my turn now! Mom said so!" Robert screamed at me. "MOM!" I yell for her. "Yes sweetie?" Mom asked as she came into the living room. "Robert took the 'Gameboy' out of my hands while I was playing it" I said as I ran to her. "Now sweetie, you had it all morning, give your brother a chance" mom said. "But mom, I was about to finish the level I was on!" I said. "I bet you can finish it again" mom said. Mom was always calm when me and Robert fought. I don't know how! It must be a superpower of hers! Anyway, I went to my room and started to play with my 'cabbage patch kid'. Her name was Chole. I was doing her hair when I heard mom call me down for lunch. I put Chole on my bed and went to the kitchen where Robert was eating his sandwich. "Colie, do you want to come with me to the story after lunch? I forgot to take out something to defrost" Mom asked me. "Okay!" I said and ate my lunch. After I was done, I went to my room to change out of my Pajamas into a simple outfit.

 After I was done, I went to my room to change out of my Pajamas into a simple outfit

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(Your outfit & bedroom but you can change it if you want to)

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(Your outfit & bedroom but you can change it if you want to)

I went to the living room and saw mom ready. "Robert, me and your sister will be back soon. Please don't burn the house down" Mom said to Robert. "Okay" Robert said and went back to playing on the 'Gameboy'. Me and mom left the house and got in the car. "Honey, are you glad it's summer?" mom asked me. "Yeah, 6th grade was hard but I got through it. Now it's time for 7th grade" I said (I did research on this for Britain also the date is June 26). "Well, you're a smart cookie so I'm sure it will be easier for you" mom said. We arrived at the store and mom grabbed a shopping cart. We walked through the isles and mom grabbed stuff for dinner. She decided to make Bolognese (Meat sauces with pasta). "Nicole sweetie, can you go and grab some milk? We ran out this morning" mom asked me. "Okay!" I said and went off to the frozen section. I grabbed the milk but I accidentally dropped it. Before I knew what was happening, I put my hands out and the milk was levitating inches from the floor. 'What the- How am I doing this?' I thought as I brought the milk up into my hands. 'What's wrong with me! How did I do that? Am I magical like mom?' I thought and walked off back to mom. Mom was in the pasta section, picking out what pasta to use. "Oh hey sweetie, put it in the cart" mom said as she looked at me. 'Should I tell mom? What if she thinks I'm crazy! I think I should keep this to myself...' I thought.

After we paid (and got some sweets), we headed back to the car. Mom put the groceries in the trunk. "Nicole, can you put the cart away?" mom asked. "Sure mom" I said and took the cart. 'Should I try and make the cart move?' I wondered. When I was closer to the other carts, I gently pushed the cart to the others. I managed to align my cart with the other! 'So I do have magic! I should try and do other things when I get home!' I thought as I ran back to the car. When we got home, I helped mom put away the groceries and then ran to my room. I shut and locked the door. 'Now let me see what I can do. I know that I can levitate stuff but can I do more?" I wondered. I grabbed a candle from one of my shelves and set it on the floor. I took the top off and backed up. "Lets see if this works" I said to myself and pointed my finger at the candle. Suddenly a small flick of fire came from my fingers and set the candle on fire. 'I can set fire!? That's amazing but dangerous' I thought. I put the fire out and put the candle back on its shelf. I tried other things and I can't really do much other than levitate stuff and set fire. 'How can I do magic? Mom and dad never talked to me about being magical and I never saw them do magic... Maybe it's a receiving gene?' I thought.

Over the next couple of weeks, I practiced my magic and learned how to control it. I also use it to my advantage, like making the 'Gameboy' "slip" from Robert's hands and taking it before he can. Also, cleaning my room is much easier when I don't even have to take one step to do it. I still haven't told anyone about my power but I have been seeing a lot of owls around... wonder why. I have a weird feeling when they are around so I don't do magic when I see one. There is also a cat that I haven't seen around this neighborhood, always by my house. The cat looks like it's looking for something or just being very observant, acting very human-like but that can be right, it's just a cat. I feel like something is going to go down soon but what could it be? Maybe it's because of my powers? I hope not, what will mom and dad think if they figured out that I can do magic!? They would definitely ground me till Christmas! Today dad is cleaning out the attic and wants me and Robert to help. He pulled down boxes and me and Robert were going through them. I found a baby album from when Robert was a baby and found mine. "Oh, it looks like you guys found the baby albums!" dad said as he took mine. "Robert was such a cute baby!" I said as I saw a photo of Robert being held by dad at his first baseball game. "You were also one cute baby! The day I first saw you, I couldn't believe you were that cute!" Robert said. "What do you mean? Newborns don't look cute! It's not until they are a little older that they look cute!" I said back to him. "But you were only one-" Robert started to say but dad cut him off. "Nicole, you were just one cute newborn!". 'What does Robert mean when he said "But you were only one"? What is dad hiding?" I wondered.

Later that night, I snuck out of my room and went to the office where dad left our baby albums. I found mine and opened it. On the first page was Robert holding me. I looked to be one at the time the photo was taken. 'Why is this the first photo? Wouldn't it be me as a newborn?' I thought. As I went through it, there were no newborn photos of me anywhere. The book only showed photos of me till the age of 5. At the end, I found a small piece of paper folded in a small slot. I opened it up and saw a paper that said "certificate of adoption". 'What- I'm adopted...?' I thought. 'How can mom and dad not tell me! No wonder I look different than them!' I thought. I read through on the back that explained that I was left on a woman's doorstep, abandoned. I was only one year old at the time. 'Now I know why Robert said "But you were only one", that's when I was taken in' I thought. I put the book back and went back into my room. I shut my door (With power ofc) and climbed into bed. 'I do wonder though, who are my real parents and why did they give me up?' I wondered as I fell asleep.


I had trouble writing this but got through it! I hope you have a wonderful night/day/noon.

Word count- 1408

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