Chapter 3: The Truth

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10 years ago; James POV

It has been two weeks since we gave Nicole up. No one knows exact Dumbledore and the Potter family. Dumbledore had gotten rid of all evidence of Nicole being a Potter, leaving Harry the only potter and the 'boy-who-lived'. "Sirius is going to kill me when he figures out what I have done, I'm starting to regret this" I said as I sat in the living room. Lily was out with Harry getting him some stuff. I heard a knock at the door to see Sirius. "Hey Prongs, where are my god-babies!" Sirius asked as he walked into the house. "Hey Padfoot, Lily is out with Harry, baby shopping" I said as we sat on the couch. "So where is Nicole?" Sirius asked. "Well, I have to tell you something..." I said as I looked to the floor. "What? Did something happen to my god-daughter!?" Sirius asked. "Well, two weeks ago, me and Lily had a meeting with Dumbledore about Nicole... We all agreed that it was better to give Nicole up to Lily's sister..." I explained. "WHAT!? James, you told me that you wouldn't give my god-daughter up! And why would you leave her with Lily's sister! You heard the stories about her, she is evil!" Sirius said as he stood up. "I know Padfoot, but now she wouldn't have to live in Harry's shadow! You don't think I wanted to give her up!? I'm doing all of this for her own good!" I said. "I would have taken her! I think she should know her family history and not be shielded from it! You know that Lily's sister is going to corrupt her mind and make you guys look like the bad guys!" Sirius said. "There's nothing we can do now, she's been gone for two weeks now" I said. "Well James, I will find my god-daughter and get her back! Until then, I don't want to hear from you, Lily, or Dumbledore!" Sirius said as he stormed out of the house. 'I really fucked up... Nicole, please be safe and wait for uncle Padfoot to get you' I thought.

Present Time; Nicole POV

I woke up and looked at the calendar next to my bed. 'Its July 31... MY BIRTHDAY!' I thought as I climbed out of bed and went into the kitchen. "Good morning birthday girl!" Mom said as she came over and hugged me. "My little girl is 11 today, time really does fly!'' Dad said as he joined the hug. "You say that every year dad, even on my 14th birthday" Robert said from the table. "Anyway, I made pancakes, bacon, and eggs!" Mom said as I took a seat next to Robert. We were having a nice family time. Dad soon had to leave for work and gave me a small purple wrapped box. "Happy birthday baby, I hope you like the gift!" Dad said. I open the box and see a gold necklace, it was the Leo sign.

 I open the box and see a gold necklace, it was the Leo sign

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(I have the same one just sliver and the Gemini sign. I got it for my 13th birthday)

"Oh dad, I love it!" I said and gave him a big hug. "No problem baby girl, anything for you!" dad said. Dad left soon after and Robert gave me his gift. It was a bunch of candy, he saved up his monthly allowance and got me it. "Thank Robbie! I hope you know it's going to all be gone by tonight" I said. "Well you better save room because we are going out for dinner" Robert said. It's now noon and I was watching T.V, Inspector Gadget. Robert had gone out with his friends about an hour ago so I'm alone with mom. " Nicole, can you go and get the mail?" Mom asked me from the kitchen. "Okay" I said and put on my shoes and went outside. I opened the mailbox and got the mail as I walked back inside. I went through it and saw one that said 'Ms N Potter/Rose'. 'What is this? Is it for me?' I wondered as I entered the house. "Hey mom, is this for me?" I asked her as I put the other mail on the counter and handed the letter to mom. "Hm, I don't know? It does have your first initial and our last name but Potter?" Mom said as she opened it. She read the latter and her face went white. "Mom, what does it say?" I asked her. She handed me the latter and I read it.

Dear Ms Potter/Rose,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a of all necessary books and equipment. There will be a faculty member that will meet with you later this week.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 7 August.

Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall

'What? What does this mean?' I wondered. "Mom, what is this about?" I asked her. "Honey, when your father gets home, We have something to tell you..." Mom said. "Just don't worry about that letter for now, it did say that someone will come and explain it to us" Mom said as she took the letter from me. "Okay?" I said and went back to watching T.V.

A couple hours later, dad had come home. Mom expanded to dad about the letter while Robert stayed with me in the living room. "Robert, I know you all are hiding something" I said. "I know, you've always been smart from a young age" Robert said. Mom and dad walked in the living room. "Nicole honey, we have to tell you something" Dad said as he took a seat next to me. "You... You are adopted... After Robert's birth, your mother became infertile and we want Robert to have a younger sibling so we adopted you" Dad said. "That's why I don't look like you guys, or I look more out of place" I said. "We want you to know that we still love you though and we never regretted adopting you" Mom said as she hugged me. "Don't worry mom, You are my real family, even if we aren't blood related" I said and hugged her back. Robert and dad join in the hug. "Now the letter you got, it must have some connection to your biological family" Dad said. All we can do now is wait till this mysterious person shows up and explains everything to us.


Which teacher do you think is going to show up? Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful night/day/noon.

Word count- 1119

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