Chapter 4: Explained

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Nicole POV

It's been three days since my birthday and from getting that weird letter. I have been re-reading it to see if I can figure it out. The main thing that stuck out to me was 'Witchcraft and Wizardry'. 'Does this mean I'm a witch? I mean, a month ago I fingered out how to levitate stuff and create fire' I thought. 'But Potter? Is that my biological last name? I never heard a last name like that before, maybe it's foreign?' I wondered. Mom and dad were relieved that I wasn't mad about being adopted and I feel like we now all have a closer bond than before, Robert and mine were always close. Even when we fought, that's just what siblings do. I was on the couch with Robert, watching "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark". I heard a knock on the door and Robert went to answer it. Mom came into the living room when she heard the door open and we saw a huge man standing there. "Hello sir, how can we help you?" Mom asked him. "Hello, is this the Rose house?" The huge man asked. "Yes, come in! Are you here for Nicole?" Mom asked. "That is right!" The man said as he entered the house. "Nicole, come here and say hello" Mom said to me. I got up and went closer to my mom. "Hello Nicole, you've gotten big since I last saw you" The man said. "Sit down, I will bring in some tea" Mom said as she went into the kitchen. The man sat in the living room and sat down on the couch, taking up almost the whole thing.

"Nicole, I suppose you already know why I'm here?" The man asked. "Yes sir, the letter came three days ago..." I said. Robert can sit next to me on the other couch. Mom came in with four sets of tea and took a seat next to me. "Now that you're here ma'am, I can start to explain what's going on" The man said. "My name is Rubeus Hagrid, but you can just call me Hagrid. Nicole here is a witch" Hagrid said. "A witch? But how?" Mom asked. "Well you see, Nicole's family thought she was a squib, which is a child born without magic in a magical family, so to keep her safe they gave her up to her mothers sister. But we guess she didn't take it well and put Nicole up for adoption. No one knows what happened to her or that she even exists! Only a few know about her" Hagrid explained. "Oh dear, that's a lot to take in" Mom said as she held me. "Yes, the letter she got was an execution letter to a school where she can learn magic and to control it" Hagrid explained. "Nicole, have you done any magic?" Hagrid asked me. "Yea, over a month ago, I can levitate stuff and create fire..." I said. "What! Nicole, you never told anyone?" Mom asked. "Can you show us?" Robert asked. I looked around the room to see if I could levitate something and found the "Gameboy" next to the T.V. I started to levitate the "Gameboy" over to me and held it in my hands. "That's something I haven't seen from someone so young, Dumbledore must have been wrong about you" Hagrid said. "Dumbledore?" I asked. "He is the headmaster of the school. He is very close with your family" Hagrid said.

headmaster of the school. He is very close with your family" Hagrid said.

After some time, Hagrid said that he would come back near the end of the month to show us (my family) how to get my school supplies. Hagrid also showed us how to 'owl' others so we can still have contact while I'm away. After he left, mom needed some time to herself after getting all this news. Hagrid had told us not to tell muggles, which are not magical people, about this. Roberts has been asking me to show him all the magic I can do. I set fire to a candle that was on the counter and even levitated him off the ground. Mom told me not to use magic on Robert and now has to make more house rules just for me. Robert also realized that I had been using magic on him when I took the "Gameboy" out of his hands. Let's just say, he was not happy at all. Dad came home and we explained everything to him. I showed him what I can do and what Hagrid told us (about not telling muggles about magic). Dad was really proud of me and happy to have a 'Witch' in the family. 'I'm so glad they are not mad at me! I cant wait till school starts' I thought happily as I layed in my bed, falling asleep.

It has been a week since Hagrid came and mom let me hang out with friends today. I walked down to a small playground where my two friends were waiting for me. "Hey Nicole, where have you been all summer!" My friend Leah asked me. "Oh well, I've just been busy haha..." I said. "Well, school is starting soon and I haven't gone shopping yet! All the cute school supplies are going to be gone when I go!" My other friend Alina said. "Well I should tell you guys something..." I said. "Yea, what is it?" Leah asked and looked at me. "My mom and dad are sending me to another school-" I said but then was cut off by Alina. "WAAA! You can't leave me alone! What would I do without you!?" Alina screamed at me. People looked over at Alina while she was screaming nonsense. I notice a man that looks out of place. He looked to be in his 30's and had long brown hair. I saw something in his eyes till I was interrupted by Alina jumping on me. "Nicole don't leave!" Alina said. "Alina! Get off of me! Leah!" I said. "Alina, stop being a baby!" Leah said and got Alina off of me. "Bloody hell Alina, you can't just jump on me whenever you like" I said. "What school are you going to?" Leah asked me as she made Alina sit on the bench next to us. "Oh... I don't remember the name haha..." I said. "We will definitely miss you and you better not forget us! We are your number one best friends okay!" Leah said. I looked over to see if the man was still there but he wasn't. 'I wonder who that man was? I feel like I know him' I thought and looked over to see Leah "beating up" Alina. 'Why do I have such weird friends?' I wondered to myself.

Sirius POV

I was in my potion room, making this month's potion for Lupin (wolfsbane potion) when an owl came in through the window. I set down my minerals and take the letter that was attached to its lag. It flowed off as I opened the letter and read.

(Dear Sirius,

This is Hagrid, I want to tell you I have found Nicole. She lives with a Muggle family that lives on the other side of town from 'King Cross Station'. Her new name now is Nicole Ruth Rose but her Hogwarts letter said Potter on it. She is one strong Witch from what I have seen. She can do two endless spells without knowing the spell, Levioso and Periculum. I'm starting to suspect that Dumbledore is hiding something from everyone that includes her. I will be taking her family to Diagon Alley on the 25th of this month. I hope to talk to you again.

Signed; Rubeus Hagrid)

My eyes widened at the letter. 'Nicole, she has been found!? This must have been the Muggle family that took her when I went to go get her. It doesn't say if she has been hurt or anything... Maybe I should go find her. Hagrid said she lives on the other side of town from "King Cross" so I will start to look over there' I thought as I put the letter on the table next to me. I left the potion room and put on my shoes. I soon made it to the Muggle world and made my way toward the other side of town. As I walked down the sidewalk, I heard screaming and looked over to see a young girl holding onto another young girl. The girl that was being held on to look over to my direction and then, I saw her hazel eyes. 'Nicole...!?'. "Nicole don't leave!" The young girl who was on Nicole said. "Alina! Get off of me! Leah!" Nicole said. "Alina, stop being a baby!" 'Leah' said and got 'Alina' off Nicole. "Bloody hell Alina, you can't just jump on me whenever you like" Nicole said. "What school are you going to?" 'Leah' asked Nicole as she made 'Alina' sit on the bench near them. "Oh... I don't remember the name haha..." Nicole said. "We will definitely miss you and you better not forget us! We are your number one best friends okay!" 'Leah' said to Nicole. I made my way away from Nicole and I'm guessing her friends. 'Nicole, I have finally found you' I thought.


Now we have Sirius knowing where you are and the truth revealed. I hope you have a wonderful night/day/noon.

Word count- 1576

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