Chapter 5: Diagon Alley

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Nicole POV

Today was the day that Hagrid was going to take us to go school shopping. Dad took today off to come with us. Hagrid told us to dress in mostly black outfits so we didn't stick out so much. Hagrid also told mom and dad to bring about £800 (1,016.32$ the wizarding world is crazy expensive). It was about 10 am when Hagrid finally showed up. "Hello everyone, nice to meet you Mr Rose" Hagrid said as he shook my dad's hand. "Nice to meet you too" My dad said back. "We will have to travel to the center of London to get to Diagon Alley" Hagrid said. "How are we all going to get there?" I asked. I know that my family can just drive there but I don't think we would have enough room for Hagrid to fit. "Don't worry, I have a flying motorbike a friend led me so I will be fine" Hagrid said. We all got in dads car and went to the center of London. About 30 minutes later, we were there. We parked our car in a parking lot where Hagrid parked. We all got out and met up. "Just follow me and try not to get lost" Hagrid said as we started to walk. I had my list of supplies and looked it over. Most of it was normal but some were wired like; the books we need and that we could have a pet. We soon came to a place where it looked abandoned, it was all black and looked dirty. I looked up to the sign and saw it read; Leaky Cauldron. "Umm Hagrid, are you sure we are at the right place?" My mom asked. "Don't worry Mrs Rose, the look keeps the Muggles away" Hagrid said. We entered the place and saw people all around. 'This looks like a bar, they expect kids to come through here?' I wondered. "Ah Hagrid, the usual I assume?" A man asked Hagrid. "No thanks Tom, not today. I'm on Hogwarts duty. I'm helping Ms Rose and her family get to Diagon Alley" Hagrid said. "Ah, muggle born I see?" 'Tom' asked. "No, she is half-blood but because of altercation, she stayed with a muggle family" Hagrid said.

As Hagrid and 'Tom' were talking, I looked around the place and saw a man that stuck out to me. His head was wrapped in a purple cloth and was dressed in a black robe. He kept looking over at me so I gave him a small wave. He turned his head away and went off somewhere. 'That was weird' I thought as I followed Hagrid and my family off to the back. We entered a small room with a cobblestone wall in front of us. "What are you doing Hagrid?" My dad asked. "This is how we are getting to Diagon Alley! Nicole come here, I will show you how to get here for the future" Hagrid said as I stepped in front of my parents and Robert. Hagrid took out his umbrella and started to tap around a small hole from the rubbish bin, three up and two across. Suddenly the cobblestone wall started to move and created an entrance to a whole different town! "Bloody hell! That's amazing!" Robert said. "Welcome to Diagon Alley!" Hagrid said as we walked through the wall new entrance. We started to walk straight into the town that was full of people, following Hagrid. "Nicole, look at that!" Robert said as he pointed to a story that kids; around my age or younger, had gathered around. "This is the newest model of the Nimbus, the Nimbus 2000! Look at her! She the fastest one yet!" A kid said. "I wish I was a wizard! This place is amazing!" Robert said to me. "I wish you were too, so I won't be alone going into Hogwarts" I said. "I'm sure you will be fine! I bet you're going to have a lot of friends!" Robert said.

"Here we are! Gringotts bank! This is where we will exchange the muggle money into wizard money! Oh and stay close white were in there, goblins are one smart creatures" Hagrid said as we entered the bank. We saw many goblins around and Robert kept saying that they were so short. We come up and see two families in front of us. It was a family of three; the mom, dad, and their daughter. "Hermione, would you please get your head out of that book" The mom asked her daughter; Hermione. "What about you talk to the girl behind us, she seems to be the same age as you?" the mom said to Hermione. Hermione turns around and we make eye contact. "Hello I'm Hermione Granger" Hermione introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Nicole Rose" I said. "So is it your first time here?" Hermione asked me. "Yea, only a couple of weeks ago i found out I'm a witch" I said. "Me too! My mom and dad were shocked that I was a witch" Hermione said. "Well, I don't know if my parents are a witch/wizard. You see, I was adopted when I was young" I said. "Oh I'm sorry but hey we can have each other, right?" Hermione said. "So does this mean we are friends?" I asked. "Bloody yea we are!" Hermione said. I look over and see my parents talking to Hermione's parents and Robert and Hagrid talking. "Come on Hermione, we are up" Hermione mom said. "See you at school!" I said. "Honey. The Granger's live only 10 minutes away" mom said. "Oh, that's great!" I said. Soon It was our turn. "Hello, Ms Nicole Rose here will like to open an account" Hagrid said. "Another Muggle-born? Oh well, Ms Rose, prick your finger with this and put some blood on it" the goblin said and handed me a piece of paper. Mom and dad looked at each other but didn't say anything. I did as I was told and the paper started to show writing on it. "Hm, Ms Rose may open an account but she also has a family account" The goblin said. "Lets just open her account and trade this money in" Hagrid said. Soon, all the money was treated and we had enough to leave some in the account and to get my school supplies. Hagrid told me to keep the key that the goblin gave me near, or else I couldn't get into my vault.

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