Chapter 5 - Deskmate

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Editor: Sammy

Proofreader: Bubbles

Chu Yu didn’t leave his house again until the beginning of the school term.

When Uncle Chen drove to pick him up from Qingchuan Road, Chu Yu had almost sobered up, and since he hadn’t gotten black-out drunk in the first place, vague memories remained in his mind. He’d taken the initiative to settle the bill and thanked both Wei Guanglei and Zhu Zhifei, then hesitated for two seconds, before finally troubling them to thank Lu Shi for him.

Wei Guanglei joked around and said that the next time he came for a meal, they should eat together again at the same table if they met by chance.

Chu Yu responded with agreement, but thought in his heart that there was no chance of this happening again.

He wasn’t stupid. He could feel that Lu Shi really didn’t like him.

The person was being so obvious with his dislike towards him so why would he continue to bother him?

Although Chu Yu was fairly popular anywhere, he knew that it wasn’t to the point where everyone who saw him would love him— and when it came to this so-called ‘popularity’, he knew deep in his heart that it had something to do with Chu family’s reputation one way or another.

Just dislike him then, it wasn’t like they would have much contact in the future anyway.

After returning home, Aunt Lan simmered some chicken soup but Chu Yu didn’t eat much. Unexpectedly, he vomited everything in the middle of the night again. Scared, Aunt Lan hurriedly called the family doctor.

Chu Yu lay on his bed, that feeling of his whole body being roasted in fire had returned. His blood vessels tensed as if they were about to burst and he was terribly parched, but even drinking three glasses of water didn’t quench him.

The doctor did a general check-up and the results showed that everything was normal, he couldn’t be healthier. But Chu Yu firmly stated that he was feverish and his entire body was scalding hot. In the end, the doctor diagnosed him with neurological dysfunction and no medicine was prescribed.

But Chu Yu really felt weak.

He Zhihao called and asked Chu Yu if he wanted to attend a get-together with some people he knew. Everyone was taking advantage of the opportunity to play all night before school started.

Hearing the loud noise on the other end of the phone, Chu Yu rolled half a circle on the bed very slowly with his phone in hand. He stared at the crystal lanterns on the ceiling and refused weakly, “I’m sick, I’ll pass. The noise on your end makes my ears hurt.”

Their families were business partners while the two of them had been in the same school and class, and even hung out together for several years. He Zhihao moved to a quiet place, sounding worried. “You’re really sick? Have you seen a doctor? What kind of illness is it?”

“Neurological dysfunction.”

“Damn, how awesome, that sounds so fucking serious. Chu Yu, will you be able to get out of bed when school starts?”

“Buzz off. I love studying so much, I’ll make it to school even if I have to crawl there and hand in my summer homework!”

He Zhihao laughed heartily. “Our Young Great Yu, when that time comes, I’ll definitely be there to watch!”

“Let’s stop talking about this. He Zhihao, I wanna ask you something, have you—”


Chu Yu pondered for a while but still didn’t ask. “It’s nothing, forget it. Have fun over there and see you at school.”

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