Chapter 42 - What Did She Say

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Editor: Sammy
Proofreader: Bubbles

The two went back to the classroom.

The whole school building was empty, so their faint footsteps were audible.

From the sports field, distant sounds of starting guns, whistles, shouts, and speakers singing and cheering chants could be heard.

Lu Shi walked in front with his arms hanging down, carrying a bottle of mineral water.

Chu Yu's throat was itchy.

The classroom door opened.

The windows were unshut and wind was blowing in.

The desks were neatly arranged and there were various textbooks and reference books stacked on top of them. Unfolded test papers and notebooks were being blown by the wind, making soft rustles from time to time.

Lu Shi put the mineral water bottle on a desk and leaned his lower back against the edge of the table in the process.

Chu Yu stood at his seat and suddenly felt somewhat uneasy.

He moved his mouth and asked, "A-are you tired?"

"Not tired."

Lu Shi questioned directly, "Shoulder?"

"Huh? Al-alright."

Chu Yu licked his slightly dry lips.

Suddenly, Lu Shi leaned over and placed his hands on the sides of the other's waist and exerted force.

Before realizing what was occurring, Chu Yu found himself picked up by Lu Shi and seated on the desk.

The pen on the desk fell to the floor with a 'pata'.

Lu Shi let go, but didn't back away. Instead, he inched closer and delivered his shoulder to Chu Yu's mouth. "Bite ba."

Very close.

His whole person seemed to be enveloped by Lu Shi's scent and body temperature. Chu Yu was a little nervous and didn't respond for several seconds.

Lu Shi softly asked, "Don't want to?"


Chu Yu promptly denied it.

He touched it with the tip of his tongue first, assuming that there would be a hint of the salty taste of sweat. After biting down, blood spilled out, and in an instant, an indescribable sweetness filled his mouth and slipped down his throat.

Beside his ear, Lu Shi made a light 'hiss', not like in pain, but more like in utter comfort.

Chu Yu couldn't care about that anymore. He slowly sucked Lu Shi's blood, fascinated. Because he wasn't hungry, it was more of sampling the flavor. A huge sense of pleasure exploded from his brain, spreading along his nerves to his whole body, causing his fingertips to uncontrollably tremble.

He instinctively lifted his hands, embraced Lu Shi's back, and unconsciously tightened, then tightened some more, until the other party's clothes were distinctly wrinkled under his grip.

Time appeared to have stretched, until a 'bang' sound of a gunshot came from a distance. Chu Yu then seemed to be awakened and abruptly returned to his senses.

His teeth also released Lu Shi's shoulder, as he habitually licked the wound with the tip of his tongue.


"Mm, enough."

The tone of Chu Yu's speech was a bit vaguely soft, and his eyes were bright as he added another sentence, "Sucking too much isn't good for your body."

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