Chapter 79.1 - Hostility (1)

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Translator: Xena
Editor: Sammy
Proofreader: Bubbles

After the Grain Rain, it rained for several more days. The newly planted peonies in the school bloomed a lot, spreading their fragrance.

During Chinese class, Old Ye took the whole class to go see the peonies in the glass greenhouse as a group. Of course, seeing the flowers wasn't for nothing. For the remaining half of the class, Old Ye made the students write their thoughts and reflections.

Chu Yu stared at the flowers, at a loss of what his thoughts should be. Should I write that these peonies aren't as good-looking as me?

In the end, Chu Yu decided to be practical and realistic as he wrote the words "no thoughts" on his paper, signed his name, and handed it in.

After the classwork was approved at noon, Chu Yu took a look and saw that beneath the words "no thoughts", Old Ye also wrote two bold cursive characters: "Very honest!"

When Zhang Yueshan saw it, it was too late for regrets. "If I'd known that I could pass something like this, I wouldn't have worried about my hair going bald while forcefully writing 200 words of reflection!"

Chu Yu proudly raised his chin. "This is a reward for honest people!"

In the afternoon, rain was pouring with no sign of stopping. Chu Yu stood in the corridor to look outside and the wind blew, smearing his face with vapor.

Dream-Ge put his hands on the railing. Having nowhere to vent his energy, he simply howled in grief while doing push-ups, "It rains, it rains, everyday it rains. If it rains the day after tomorrow, will our PE class be on the sports field or not? I hate having PE in the indoor gym, the floor is too fucking hard to step on!"

Tomorrow's class would be recitation, so Chu Yu was memorizing classical prose. "What a short lifespan we have, yet how endless the Yangtze River is! I wish we could roam in the firmament with flying immortals or live forever with the bright moon... What's the last sentence?"

Dream-Ge stopped wailing, stood up straight, touched the back of his head, and asked blankly, "Which classic is this from?"

Chu Yu: "..."

At this moment, Chu Yu realized that one couldn't be foolish enough.

"I basically can't get enough points in poetry memorization. Because of this, after every exam, I get dragged into the office by Old Ye for 40 minutes of criticism and education."

Dream-Ge bumped Chu Yu with his elbow. "But, School Flower, I found that you've been working very hard this semester! Not as hard as Study Com, Li Hua, and the others, but compared to before, you've been practically reborn!"

He also came up with a sensational headline on the spot. "Breaking News! Jianing Private's School Flower suddenly abandoned comic books and began studying hard! What kind of shocking truth lies behind it?"

Chu Yu smilingly scolded, "Get lost! What breaking news, shocking my ass."

"Ai, kidding." Dream-Ge didn't intend to get lost. Grinning and curious, he asked, "Seriously, School Flower, did you experience some kind of stimulation during the winter vacation, or did the soul of a top student suddenly awaken?"

Chu Yu didn't continue memorizing the text. He reached out to catch the falling rain as the smile on his face subsided a little. He thought for a while before saying, "It's not a stimulus, it's probably... motivation."

Dream-Ge scrutinized Chu Yu's expression and suddenly asked in a lowered voice, "School Flower, are you- are you in love?"

Chu Yu was startled. He too lowered his voice, leaned in, and asked, "How did you know?"

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