Chapter 43 - You Give Me A Hug

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Editor: Sammy
Proofreader: Bubbles

Zhang Yueshan and Dream-Ge were immersed in calculating Class A's overall team points.

On the third day of the sports competition, all the singles events had ended. After the relay was finished, the closing ceremony and awards ceremony would take place.

Dream-Ge's legs were spread apart as he held two pieces of paper in his hand, which contained his records over the past three days. His handwriting was messy, so only he could understand what was written.

"...Second in men's 100-meter freestyle, first in women's 50-meter freestyle... Tennis- second... Men's standing long jump- third..."

After reading category by category, Dream-Ge hurriedly leaned to see the numbers Zhang Yueshan had written on his draft paper. "Class Rep, how about you? Have you figured it out? What's our total score? Can we get the award?"

Zhang Yueshan pushed away Dream-Ge's face and head with his hands while saying irritably, "Stop twittering. I just finished half of the calculation, and with your roar, I forget everything!"

Dream-Ge covered his mouth and responded in a muffled voice, "Okay, then you hurry and compute! This is related to the welfare of the common people!"

Chu Yu, who was sitting next to him, tried to recall. "I forgot as well. Up until high jump, it was 231 points." He turned his head and asked Lu Shi, "Lu Shi, are you counting?"

Lu Shi was holding a pencil while answering questions. Only when he heard Chu Yu's question did he speak, "Overall score- 579."

Writing the number on the paper happily, Zhang Yueshan sighed. "Everyone worked hard. This score is 30 points higher than my estimate! Our award's very promising!"

Dream-Ge was also excited. "Class Rep, can our overall score get first place? Can it?"

"It should be? This score's very high." Zhang Yueshan wasn't sure.

"It can."

Lu Shi wrote 'B' in front of a multiple choice question and explained, "If there's another class monopolizing first place in men's 100-meter freestyle, second in women's 50-meter freestyle, first in tennis, second in men's 3000 meters, first in women's 50-meter sprint, wait," Lu Shi said in sequence according to the order of Dream-Ge's reported events, and finally concluded, "Then, their highest overall score is 571."

"Less than us!" Dream-Ge hit his knee with his fist. "Then do we just have to watch out for the final relay results?"

Zhang Yueshan calculated. "Yes, but even if our relay results place at the bottom, we can still keep the top three with the total score!" He dragged his sigh, "Ai, why's it so difficult to not get the award?"

Dream-Ge also followed after and sighed, "Ai, it's too difficult!"

Chu Yu, who was holding his comic book, poked his head out from beside Lu Shi and also sighed, 'Ai' saying, "Rep, Dream-Ge, you two are going to get beaten for talking like this!"

Zhang Yueshan used the pen in his hand to point to the little red rocket banners that were still fluttering in the wind. "School Flower, say, who's going to be beaten up in the end?"

Class A ultimately earned third place in the relay running event and successfully kept first place with the team's overall score.

An award money of 10,000 yuan was in the bag.

In the classroom, Zhang Yueshan stood on the podium, took out the money in the kraft paper envelope, and coughed twice to clear his throat. "Students, quiet! For these three days, everyone worked very hard and did their best. The school was very considerate of us, and there will be no classes tomorrow. So, to reward everyone, we-"

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