Ch. 11

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                                             Devin POV 

My eyelids slowly flutter open. I am somewhere dark. My wrists are tied in front of me and my mouth is taped shut. 

I look around. Am I in a trunk???!!

It feels like I'm moving, I'm in a trunk of a car!!

I bounce as the car hits even the smallest bumps. My breathing becoming more and more ragged. I try moving my wrists with no luck. 

                                   Third Person POV 

The group arrive at the warehouse clearing each room. Until they get to the top floor seeing Cami shot dead. Morgan checks for a pulse. Everyone looks at him. 

"She's gone." He lets out a a breath of disappointment knowing that she was all Devin had left. 

JJ spots something on the ground the backpack Devin always carries around. 

"Guys isn't this Devin's?" She says picking up the backpack. 

Everyone looks at each other. 

"No, she wouldn't- She still at the police station." Derek said a little worried 

"Not unless it was the only way to save her mother." Hotch said 

JJ digs in Devin's bag. 

She finds a medicine bottle Cenobamate. 

"Cenobamate?" JJ says, 

"That's an Epileptic Medicine." Reid says taking the bottle from JJ

"I think it's time we dig up more on Devin. There's more to this. Why take her. He's been targeting escorts, working girls not children." Rossi says 

Derek leaves the room calling Garcia.

"Hey baby girl, I need you to dig everything you can on Devin Lokoski." He says 

The sound of her fingers flying across the key board as they talk. 

"Okay, Devin. She's one smart cookie for being seven years old she skipped a few grades. Straight A's. Doesn't really play any sports, Has a peanut allergy, Takes Cenobamate she's got epilepsy." Garcia says. 

"How about her dad?' Derek asks

"Hmm that's weird." She says 

"What?' He asked 

"The record is sealed I'll get back to you." She says and hangs up

Derek walks back in. 

"Garcia says the record was sealed on who her father is." Derek says 

"This goes way past more than just revenge on escort women, Devin wasn't a loose end." Derek says

Everyone nodded. 

"We need to re-examine the profile." Hotch says 

"And we need to find Devin, If he did take her who knows what he's got planned for her." Rossi says 

                                              Devin POV 

I was trying to take out the tail light out of the light in hopes a cop would pull this car over for the light. 

The car suddenly stops bouncing and stops. Oh god I'm going to die. 

The trunk of the car opens, the light shining in. 

"Come on sweetheart, I can't wait for you to see what I've done with your room." He says 

Is this guy for real!?

He slings me over his shoulder my hands still tied in front of me. I try struggling trying to get out of his grip. But he's much stronger than me, 

"Now sweetheart don't be like that I would hate to have to punish you right off the bat." He says 

Is this guy nuts!? 

I tried yelling at him but my noises are muffled by the tape. 

He opens the door and walks down a narrow hallway, And opens the door to the right, The room is covered in pink and yellow. 

I sits me on the bed with a very thick comforter. Next thing I know he chains my ankle to the bed frame. 

"Just so you don't get any ideas about running sweetheart." He says 

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