Babies From Another World

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"Man, what a day," Yagi sighed, slumping onto the rooftop. He tugged at his crumpled blue cape, his hero uniform stained with dirt and sweat.

"You guys ever feel like we're just running in circles? I swear, I've expelled enough energy today to power a small country," I grumbled, joining Yagi on the rooftop. My scarf hung loosely in my hand, moments away from being returned to my neck. Kayama plopped down beside us, groaning dramatically.

"Ugh, you boys have no idea. Dealing with teenage fans and their hormonal, emotional outbursts is exhausting." We all fell into a comfortable silence, a welcome respite from the chaos of our superhero lives. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow on the towering skyscrapers of Musutafu. But just as we were about to drift into a blissful relaxation, our tranquility was shattered. A bright orb streaked through the dusky sky, hurtling towards the beach. Yagi's eyes went wide.

"Is that an asteroid?" He asked.

"Looks like it," I replied, my heart rate quickening.

"You boys thinking what I'm thinking?" Kayama smirked mischievously.

Without another word, we raced towards the falling orb, our instincts kicking into high gear. But our battle-ready stances faltered when the pod finally landed on the beach. Instead of a fearsome threat, the pod revealed two infants with adorable monkey tails.

"Aw, look at them," Kayama cooed, her eyes sparkling with adoration.

As we marveled at the miraculous sight before us, a holographic projection flickered to life, showing a couple with matching monkey tails.

"We are the parents of these children. My name is Bardock, and this is my wife next to me, Gine," the hologram explained.

"We sent them to Earth to save them from the destruction of our homeworld. Please, take care of our babies," the mother pleaded.

"If I'm wrong about us being slaughtered then I'll be landing on your planet one day from when you see this, thank you...... earthling." The father stated with a bit of nerve in his voice.

The projection ended, leaving us dumbfounded. We glanced at each other and then down at the babies, who stared up at us with wide, innocent eyes.

"I guess we're in charge now," Yagi murmured, his voice filled with uncertainty and determination. One of the babies had a name tag that read 'Caulifla,' but the boy's tag was unreadable and scruffed up.

"I think we should name him Y/N," I suggested, looking at the adorable baby boy.

"Y/N it is," Yagi agreed, a hint of a smile on his face. As we discussed who would care for the babies, I emerged as the most suitable choice. I had experience dealing with students and was a responsible person. I sighed, running a hand through my messy hair.

"Fine, I'll do it. But you all owe me a favor for this." I remarked sarcastically.

They nodded in agreement, grateful for my willingness to take responsibility. Although disappointed that she couldn't adopt them, Kayama understood the reasons and offered her support.

"I'll help you with babysitting and taking care of them whenever you need," she offered, a genuine smile on her face. And so, the three of us pledged to support Caulifla and Y/N, who were unexpectedly arriving from another world. It was a new journey, a different kind of heroism that involved nurturing and guiding young lives. As the sun fully set and the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, we knew that our lives as heroes had taken an unexpected turn, adding a new and heartwarming dimension to our already eventful existence. We were ready for this new adventure, to care for and protect these two precious babies, just as we had sworn to protect our city and its people.

The Saiyan Twins (Saiyan Male Reader X MHA)Where stories live. Discover now