The Exam Begins! / An Onslaught of Robots!

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Our footsteps echoed in the cavernous hallway as Caulifla, and I made our way to the heart of the exam building. A hush fell over us as we stepped through the double doors, entering a space brimming with ambition, and nerves tightly wound like coils ready to snap. The lecture hall unfolded before us. 

"Look at this place," Caulifla whispered, awe lacing her voice. "It's like stepping into the future."

"Or diving headfirst into chaos," I added, scanning the room that vibrated with barely contained energy. We found our seats among the rows, the cool material of the chair grounding me momentarily. Around us, snippets of conversation snagged my attention—a debate about Quirk strategy here, a nervous confession of sleepless nights there.

"Can you believe we're finally here?" Caulifla asked, her eyes alight with the spark that had always driven her to leap before looking.

"Part of me still expects to wake up," I confessed, leaning back as I took it all in. 

"But here we are, on the edge of everything we've worked for since the Saiyan invasion." I said. She bobbed her head in agreement, her gaze sharp and searching as if trying to memorize every face that might one day become an ally or rival on the battlefield. The hum of the lecture hall seemed to fade into the background as Caulifla's question sliced through the murmur like a razor-sharp blade.

"Why'd you rush us away from Izuku and Megumi like that?" Her head tilted, curiosity etched into the lines of her brow. I paused, my hands clasped tightly together, the room's warmth suddenly feeling heavy against my skin. My eyes drifted toward the rows ahead where Izuku and Megumi had taken their seats; their heads bowed together in quiet conversation.

"Did you see her eyes?" I murmured, almost to myself. "There was something... different about them. Like I could see the universe in them, the secrets of life and death. And that's coming from someone who's died before!" The words stumbled out, unbidden, revealing a depth of fascination I hadn't realized was taking root within me.

"Ah," Caulifla said, a knowing look crossing her face briefly before she masked it.

 "Sounds like little brother Y/n has a crush," She said with a cheesy smile on her face.

"Ok, first of all we're twins and we have no idea who came out first! And second of all, I don't have a crush!" I whispered intensely. I looked forward at Megumi three rows ahead; there was an intensity to her that I couldn't quite articulate—a pull that seemed to go beyond the usual nerves of meeting someone new. Something that beckoned me to look closer.

"Guess there are all kinds of people in this place, huh?" Caulifla nudged me playfully, but her eyes held a glint of intrigue. 

"Even ones that can make the great Y/n double-take," she joked. I glared at her, shaking my head lightly, but didn't respond. Instead, I settled back into my seat, allowing the pre-exam anticipation to wash over me again. The stage erupted in flashes of light and color as Present Mic bounded into view. His hair was a spiky yellow crown that seemed to conduct electricity from the air around him, and his grin was as wide as the proscenium arch.

"Yo, yo, yo!" he boomed, his voice reverberating through the large speakers placed strategically around the hall. The microphone in his hand appeared almost redundant, as his Quirk naturally amplified his voice. He wore sunglasses indoors, the lenses reflecting the anticipation etched on every young aspirant's face.

"Are you ready to rock this practical exam?" His enthusiasm was unmet by all the students in the room, and the silence was deafening. Caulifla and I giggled at Uncle Hizashi's failure at hyping up the crowd.

"Remember, heroes-in-the-making," he continued, pacing the stage with an energy that made it hard to look away, "today is the first step toward your future! Show us what you've got—your courage, your determination, and your quirks!" Caulifla looked slightly down in shame.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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