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He could feel the cold sheets under his fingertips and could hear the hushed whispers of what he would assume to be servants as they left the room. It was night time as the lack of noise in the halls was the indicator. He opened his eyes, sat up and looked around the room. The room was big; it had multiple bed alcoves as they lay behind the silk and sheer curtains. He got off the bed onto wobbly legs he doesn't know where he is or how long he has been unconscious for, he walks out of alcove he was in and into the main room there in the center was a pit of pillows and blankets which he would assume would be the sitting or lounge area and on the wall across from the door that he would think lead into the hall was a window seat with a book neatly placed on top of the cushion with a bookmark saving a page.

He turned away from the window and looked around the room a bit more, the alcoves as there where six on the main floor and steps heading up to a second floor  where he assumed more would be, he went up the stairs and sure enough he was correct there was also a door and when he opened it he was shocked at the size of what he found to be the bathroom, yes the bathrooms at his kingdom where big but this could be classified as a pool and there was another door opposite to this. He went to open it but it was locked so he decided to head back into the room he awoke in and see if he could figure out where he was. He isn't panicking because why would he, he's a prince and a general he shouldn't feel fear, he finds a desk tucked away in a corner with some papers on top but he doesn't find anything as an indicator, after a while he gives up on looking and throws himself into the pit in the center of the room and after maybe five minutes or so with the help of the warmth and soft comfort of the pillows and blankets he falls asleep again.

A loud knocking at the door awoke him, he decided to ignore it but he guessed that the people behind the door didn't agree because they opened the door and waltzed in. It was some servants, one of them had clothes and the other was heading towards him and dragging him out of the pit and into the bathroom "Hey what are you doing!" He yelled as he was manhandled out of the clothes he was in "we are getting you ready for breakfast with the Emperors, can't really have their concubine looking like street trash can we" the servant who was now pushing him into the water told him. Dream was shock he started to try and piece together what was happening but he was shaken out of his thoughts by rough hands scrubbing his hair and dunking him under the water and pulling him back up again, the servant wasn't gentle, they scrubbed his arms and back until they where red and then shoved their hand between his legs not letting him clean his own private parts muttering something about having to clean dirty second hand goods.

After they were done they pulled him out of the bath and started to measure him, they measured every inch of his body, his arms, his legs, his torso, his groin. They were invasive and had no privacy morals, after they were done measuring they roughly put the clothes they had on him not letting him dress himself and shoved a mask into his arms, it was identical to his original, and he strapped it onto his face. "Tailored clothes will be delivered to this room once they are completed, and don't think that you will be getting this kind of special treatment again cause I won't be washing your used ass again. Now go to the dining hall to eat with the Emperors!" The servant raised their voice, shoving him out the door.

The clothes they put on him where practically see through and no help keeping the freezing air out and off of his skin it doesn't help that he is still practically soaked from the bath as he hadn't been allowed to dry off. His hair was dripping cold water onto his back soaking his shirt as he walked barefoot through the halls not knowing where the dining hall is or what the layout of the place is. He assumes he is at the Antarctic Empire because of how cold it was and the servants kept saying Emperors, he has seen a few servants and guards but they would either scoff at him or run away when he tried to ask for directions. Soon he just gave up and slumped down against a wall even though it felt like ice and was biting into the skin off his back, he tipped his head back hitting the wall looking up at the ceiling. He doesn't know exactly how long he had been sitting there until he heard a kind and gentle voice, "Hello, are you ok?" He turned his head to the side to see a short woman with short pink hair, she had somewhat of an accent when she spoke. "Ye I'm just kind of lost, I haven't really been shown around" he said with a small laugh even though she couldn't see his face he was blushing in shame. "Oh I see, you must be Dream then, my names Niki and it's a pleasure to meet you" the woman now known as Niki put out her hand to help him up and he gladly took it, he pulled himself up, him doing most of the work since he was taller than her. She looked up at him with a kind look and smiled then looked at what he was wearing and blushed looking away, "Oh my god, What are you wearing!" He curled in on himself, a little ashamed of himself. "I'm sorry if I offended you but the servants put me in this I had assumed that the Emperors requested them to give me these clothes, although they are a tad bit inappropriate for this type of weather" he said scratching the back of his neck, "oh good heavens no sweetheart you didn't offend me, the servants should have known better then to put you in so little, they should have thought about your modesty and the weather god are they trying to kill you!" She said when she looked back at him with shock and concern.

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