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The smell of smoke and the feeling of ash filled his lungs as he inhaled watching the sight of his kingdom burn to the ground, citizens running for their lives away from the insatiable fire that eats away at all the buildings. He was shoved to the ground and the scene changed. He looked down at his hands and found that they were small, he looked around the room and saw his father walk in with a kind smile on his lips, he was younger, no gray hairs on his head yet. His father walked over to him and crouched to the floor to become eye level with him, he was talking but no sound came out and that's when he remembered that this was the day of the 'talk' as he likes to put it.

He was six, his father not liking the seemingly silent words that came out of his mouth pushed him back into the bed, the scene changed again, and again, and again until he was standing over his fathers bed holding his axe. Green thread coming from his fingertips and when he moved the axe the blade showed his reflection, green glowing eyes and the face of his 12 year old self. He didn't remember this, he brought the blade up above his head and swung but before it had touched flesh he shot up from the pit, drenched in sweat heaving to try and breathe.

He wiped his face and looked around the room he saw his mask beside him, he saw the many bed alcoves and the doors and the large window behind him. He started to calm down realizing where he was still not really liking this arrangement but having to deal with it, he got up from the pit and walked to the bathroom making sure both doors were locked and leaned against the sink counter looking at himself in the mirror his face puffy and red rimmed around his eyes, he had been crying.

He pushed off the counter and turned on the faucet letting the cool water run for a second before splashing his face, a chill running down his spine at the cold. He turned off the sink and looked down at his clothes and grimaced at how sticky he felt caked in sweat and filth of the day he looked at the window and assumed it was way to early for anyone to be awake so he went and turned the faucet on the tub and waited for the water to turn warm, he touched the collar around his neck knowing he couldn't take it off even if it was to bathe. He stripped from his clothes after having turned the water off and sunk down into the bath he moaned at the warm feeling of the water relaxing his tense muscles, he washed his body and hair of all the grime and decided to sit there for a few more minutes.

Not long after he got out of the tub and started to drain the water, putting a towel around his waist when he heard a click come from one of the doors it opened to reveal emperor Philza looking dazed and tired "hello mate" he slurred out as he walked over to the toilet to do his business. Dream blushed "Hello your majesty" he mumbled quickly grabbing his dirty clothes and rushing to put his mask on as Phil had not looked his way since walking in. "The door was locked" Dream said to himself confused, and guessing that phil heard since he gave a slight chuckle "yea, uh there was an incident with Wilbur when he first got here that I had to make it able to be unlocked from my side if necessary", he hummed in acknowledgment and left the bathroom lacking it from his side and threw his laundry into one of the corners.

He went and rummaged through some of the drawers in his alcove and found a green bath robe and decided that it was good enough to wear at the moment and threw it on. And realizing and coming to terms that he won't be going back to sleep anytime soon he went and grabbed the book that was still sitting on the window seat, sat down and opened to where the book mark was.

After hours of sitting there and reading he didn't notice that the sun started to come up until he lazily placed the book down having finished where it's forgetful owner had left off at. He smiled to himself loving the story and the ending, he looked out the window seeing the sunrise and snow falling to the ground only to melt it was all so serene but he didn't want serene because he knew he couldn't have it he was a prisoner, a concubine, a sex slave. It seems that nothing in his life has changed. The only thing is that he was at a different kingdom and his wardens weren't his father.

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