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He turned around his back facing Wilbur as he put his mask on "So son huh?" He said after a long uncomfortable silence turning back to look at him, Wilbur laughed nervously and sat at the edge of the pit, not wanting to invade Dream's space. "Hehe well you see he's from a previous relationship from back in L'Manburg" Wilbur said and he nodded seeing Wilbur look around the room and saw his eyes light up "That alcove right there was mine, and that one over there was Techno's" Wilbur said changing the subject and pointing to an Alcove that had Yellow curtains that were closed and then pointed to another that had pink curtains and just like the other they were closed as well. He hadn't really taken notice of the curtain colors but as he looked at his he noticed they were green, "hey can I show you something?" Wilbur asked standing up holding his hand out to him, he took it pulling himself up and followed Wilbur out the door and down the long hallway and several others until they stopped at giant double doors and he watched as Wilbur pushed them open and they walked inside seeing weapons in cases along the walls and in stands on the floor but they walked to the back of the room to see three distinct weapons one of them his axe, beautiful shining black blade with runes etched into the handle and metal.

"Why is my axe displayed like a mantle piece" he asked anger seeping into his tone, "all of our weapons are here being displayed like that, mine" Wilbur said pointing to a beautifully crafted gold and dark oak gun and then pointed at another "And Techno's" Wilbur said, and he looked at the other seeing a black shimmering sword with runes etched into the blade just like his axe. "Concubines aren't allowed to carry weapons on them, nor are they allowed to be permitted to handle any in any given situation" Wilbur said as if reading from memory which he must have been, "You aren't a concubine anymore though why haven't you reclaimed what's yours?" He asked. Wilbur shrugged with a dopey smile tilting his head "I guess I just haven't thought of it" Wilbur said and he laughed shaking his head his head, Wilbur chuckled and a hand was placed on his back as Wilbur lead them out of the room "you know Dream I'm impressed, you haven't made a single escape attempt. Techno and I both had to be dragged back kicking and screaming but unlike Techno I didn't stop after just one attempt" Wilbur said laughing and then looked at him with a kind smile "Alright I think it's time for all four of use to have that much needed talk don't you agree?" Wilbur said, removing his hand from Dream's back.

And if he felt disappointed at Wilbur's hand being removed then that was for him to know and nobody to find out. He nodded and sighed "I guess your highness", Wilbur frowned but said nothing as he led them back to the Emperor's chamber, his body became stiff as they walked in and the door closed behind them. Sitting at the desk was Techno and standing beside him was Phil, Wilbur walked away from him and stood on the empty side of Techno and looked at him with a reassuring smile, Phil moved another chair in front of them and motioned to it "Please come sit" he said kindly. He nodded and went and sat in the chair looking down at his hands as they gripped the bottom of the shirt only now just realizing that he was still in only just a large button up and boxers he blushed knowing that he was disrespecting the Emperors with his attire.

He could feel eyes on him and glanced up and saw that Techno was finally looking at him, "Dream why did you run?" Techno asked with a sad look on his face, he looked up at them and sighed "I ran because you aren't supposed to get feelings for concubines" he said and saw how all three of their faces turned cold "does that mean that I wasn't supposed to or allowed to fall in love with these two handsome men and for them to do the same? Does that mean that I wasn't supposed to marry them out of pure love?" Phil asked anger silently seeping into his words. "That isn't what I meant your majesty" he said clenching his fists "then what, what did you mean?" Phil said losing some anger but not all of it "I mean you aren't supposed to love me, your Majesty Techno, I don't think you love me and for the other two I don't think they do either. You aren't supposed to want me, you aren't supposed to need me to love me. I'm just a concubine I'm here as a fucking war prize not a fucking vacation!" He said, voice rising in octaves. Wilbur was glaring at him "Dream, Techno and I used to be concubines but as you said earlier we aren't anymore, that means if we can get into the old bastard's heart then you can too" Wilbur said pointing at Phil and a cut off 'Hey!' Came from said man "Dream you are allowed to be loved, your allowed to want affection, you are allowed to say no and please for the love of prime shut the fuck up with all this 'your majesty, your highness' shit it's quite annoying and if we have to make it an order than we will, call us by our names" Phil said.

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