New friends

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Izuku lived a typical nerdy teenage life, got bullied for being a nerd, and got told to kill themselves because he's quirkless. Y'know, the normal stuff. Thankfully, though, there were parts of these days that Izuku liked, and those were the before school and after school.

And this moment right here was a before school moment. Izuku walked along the road to school and was about to cross the road when he heard a large noise barge towards him.




Izuku was barely conscious, his legs crushed by an oil tanker. "Hel...pme" Izuku couldn't see it, but 4 strange things were making their way towards him. The strange beings crawled onto Izuku's body, and he felt them crawling around his body before the feeling went away.

Izuku's body felt strange as it was wrapped in something...

The mysterious thing covered his body and jumped onto the rooftop of the nearby building

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The mysterious thing covered his body and jumped onto the rooftop of the nearby building. Once Izuku came in contact with the rooftop, the mysterious thing disappeared, and Izuku was back in his own body. 'My legs! They healed!' Izuku thought. "Of course they are healed. We did that." A voice spoke out."Who said that?" Izuku questioned."I did." A black head shot out of Izuku's arm and wrapped around to look at Izuku.

"Who are you!?" Izuku questioned the slime being."I am Venom. A symbiote, but I am not alone." Venom told Izuku and Izuku raised an eyebrow as to what Venom meant. Before he could ask Venom, 3 other Slime heads burst out of his body and wrapped around to look at Izuku.

"Greetings, Izuku. We are Venom's family. I am his first born, Carnage." Carnage, a bulbous red-headed alien, said. "I am Toxin, Carnage's son and Venom's grandson." Toxin, a bulbous red-black headed alien, said. "I am Anti-Venom, I'm Venom's 'Opposite'." Anti-Venom, a bulbous white-headed alien, said. "What exactly are you guys?" Izuku questioned them."We are Klyntars, or you can refer to us as Symbiotes." Toxin explained to Izuku.

"So you're a bunch of aliens?" Izuku said simply, and Venom looked at him with a deadpan expression."Basically, yes. But we are much more than that." Venom said. "Really? What?" Izuku asked him."You can learn these things later." Venom said. "Alright then... can you guys get back inside me." He asked them, and instead of responding, they went back inside Izuku's body.

'Please, return to whatever you were doing before the crash.' Carnage told Izuku "Alright then, school it is!" He entered the school building, he was aware he was late but it didn't really amtter to him because of the circumstances. "Midoriya, you're late!" The teacher told Izuku as he opened the door."I know, sir. Traffic." Izuku said with a smirk."You should be lucky, You have good grades."

Izuku walked to his seat and sat down with a small smile. This pissed some of the people in the classroom off, but thankfully, Bakugo wasn't pissed off because he wasn't in. The day was good for Izuku, for once. Since Bakugo wasn't in, nobody bullied him harshly other than a few snarky comments and attempts at tripping him up.

After school was the same as always. Until he got to a specific turn to get back home. "Look what we have here! Snotty Midoriya thinks just because Bakugo's off that he can get away Scott free." Some random bully said, the gang of 7 bullies looked like your typical group of teenage gangsters they had earrings, golden necklaces, and some even had golden teeth.

'Humans put gold in their mouth?' Carnage questioned Izuku "Yeah, not many, but the people that do just make them ugly. Or, in this case, uglier." Izuku told the symbiotes."Who you talking to? And, Who you calling ugly!" The lead bully shouted with a vein bulging out of his head. Izuku's rolled over red as Carnage spoke through Izuku's mouth. "You, Overgrown spud." Carnge spoke, starting to mold around Izuku's body and grinned with a monstrous set of teeth. "The hell's that fucking thing!" Another bully shouted. The group of pussycat bullies tried to run but were quickly caught by Carnage's whips appendages.

 The group of pussycat bullies tried to run but were quickly caught by Carnage's whips appendages

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"What should we do, Midoriya? Kill them? Devour them from inside?" Carnage asked Izuku.'Don't kill them!? Just... scare them.' Izuku told Carnage, who smirked with a mischievous idea. "Oh, I'm gonna scare 'em Alright." Carnage smirked, licking his lips.

"Help, please! Somebody get us down from here!" The lead bully screamed like a little girl as he and his group friends were held on a bunch of street lamps by their underwear. Crowds surrounded them, but instead of helping them, they laughed at the misfortune of the bullies. Izuku stood on the corner where the bullies had tried to attack him with a smirk. "Thanks, Carnage." Izuku said.'My pleasure, Izuku.' Carnage said inside Izuku.

"Right then, let's actually get home." Izuku said, and he walked back home past the bullies, blowing a raspberry at them as he did so. When he got back, he was embraced by Inko. "Woah, Mom! What's with the hug?" Izuku asked her."I thought you were dead!" Inko cried."What made you think that?" He asked her."I heard there was an accident, and it was your route to school. I tried calling you, but you'd didn't respond." Inko said, crying out as Izuku tried to look for his phone.'My phones gone!' Izuku thought.

"I think I need a new phone..." Izuku told Inko."Are you hurt?" Inko asked Izuku,'Not anymore.',"Nope." Izuku said."Good, I'll get you that new phone soon." Inko told him, smiling happily, wiping her tears away, and walked away. 'Your mother seems nice but very emotional.' Toxin told Izuku "Yeah, I know she is, but that's what makes her, her." Izuku said with a shrug as he entered his bedroom.

"So, what do you wanna do, now that you have a host?" Izuku asked the symbiotes "Maybe, we can be one of those 'heroes' that are all over Earth?" Toxin suggested "Yeah, let's be a hero!" Anti-Venom said grinning "Being a hero, sounds good! As long as I can chew a few heads off." Carnage told Izuku "Well, I agree with all of you. Let's become a hero!" Venom said agreeing his family. "Alright then, hero, it is!"

Chapter end

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