Vigilante Vs Hero society

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A few weeks after the takedown of Rhino, Izuku has been pretty happy with the way people look at him, seeing him as an actual hero instead of a hooligan or menace to society. He's become pretty popular in mustafy and the nearby towns and villages some shops even decided to make their own Hybrid merch for anyone that was a fan of him.

This newfound popularity also came with a drawback, heroes were after him, not many, but a few low rank heroes, probably only doing it, so that they could rise in the ranks. They weren't able to catch him, obviously.
Izuku swung through the streets of mustafu, a hot dog in hand, when he heard someone say, "Help me!" Izuku noticed that someone was running off with a purse with an old granny trying to pursue him but failing in her old age. Izuku shot a tendril at the purse snatchers back and launched himself towards the snatcher, giving a mean right hook knocking him out. Izuku pulled the purse from the snatchers hands and gave it back to the old lady. "Here you go, Ma'am. You have a nice rest of the day." Izuku said with a smile under his mask, and now that he was closer to her, something felt... strange like he'd seen her before,'Probably just my imagination...' He thought and waved goodbye to the old lady.

"He's already knocked the fake purse snatcher, and he's turned the corner to Kage Park." The old lady said into an earpiece. "Thank you for the info, recovery girl. Team A are on their way. You can go home now." The person over the earpiece told her. Izuku swung through Kage Park but felt a piercing sensation in his head,'Izuku, Duck!' Venom warned him.'Duck? Where?" Izuku was slammed in the face by the fist of the dragon hero Ryukyu. "What the!?" Izuku shouted in complete surprise."Hold it right there, Vigilante!" Ryukyu said."How about no!" Izuku shouted and swung away as fast as he could.

Compared to Ryukyu's flying, Izuku was slow, and she easily caught him again, catching him in her claws. Two blades shot out of his back and pierced Ryukyu's hands, causing her to let go of Izuku in her pain. "We have to go faster! Us swinging isn't gonna do shit if she can fly!" Izuku told the Symbiotes inside of his body.'I've got an idea!' Venom said, and before Izuku could ask what it was, Izuku sprouted wings of his own.'Damn, Venom! You guys could do this all the time?" Izuku asked them, and they all collectively said,"Yes." Now, with his newfound wings, Izuku fleed the scene and swerved around buildings.

However, right behind was Ryukyu and below him as well he saw two other heroes but couldn't quite make them out because of how far up he was. He did notice, however, that one of them held something that looked like a giant box? Suddenly, a net flew into the air and was heading straight for Izuku, but he proceeded to backflip in the air, causing Ryukyu to get caught up in the net. Ryukyu fell onto the car. The two other heroes were in, and Izuku smirked and flipped them off before speeding away.

"These wings are amazing!" Izuku told Venom. Suddenly, a blast of flames was shot at Izuku, and he was just barely able to dodge it when he was hit in the gut by Endeavour, the number 2 hero "Shit! They called in the big guns!" Izuku voiced his concern about the current situation 'Izuku, I know this might sound bad, but...' Toxin trailed off as Izuku swung back up into the air and punched endeavour in the face.'We are weak to fire.' Toxin finished. "What!?" Izuku shouted as Endeavour slammed a fire covered fist into Izuku's face, sending him onto a roof of a marketing building.

"You could've told me that sooner!?" Izuku shouted at Toxin. 'We apologise, but we didn't think we would have to face someone with the powers to produce fucking infernos.' Toxin said 'I think your all forgetting one thing.' Anti-Venom said although Izuku couldn't see his face he knew he was smirking 'What are we forgetting?' Carnage asked A.V. 'I'm fire resistant!' Anti-Venom shouted and this made Izuku smirk as well "A.V. mind taking over for a little while?" Izuku asked the White symbiote.

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