Leaving the nest

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Izuku opened the door to the apartment, and his head looked down at the floor as Inko walked up to him from the kitchen. "Glad to see your back." Inko said, but she quickly noticed what was wrong with her son."Izuku, what's the matter?" She asked him, but she didn't need an answer as she felt Izuku's tears soak into her shirt as he hugged her tightly."I'm a failure." Izuku muttered, and Inko wrapped her arms around him as well.

"Oh, honey, you're not a failure." Inko told him,"I am! I got scared and I ran." Izuku told her through his fountain of tears."Just because you ran away doesn't mean you failed," Inko told her son with a sympathetic look on her face. "It just means you have to try again the next time it happens." Inko explained to her son."But, I don't want to! What am I supposed to do against the Number One hero of the world!?" Izuku asked his mother through his tears and the sniffles of his nose. This shocked her. He faced All Might? Why would he ever do such a thing? Hurt someone who was doing the same as them.

Inko didn't answer her son and continued to embrace him tightly. Izuku hugged Inko for almost up to an entire hour, and Inko didn't care. She was their so he could cry. It was what a mother was supposed to do to be there for their child. Once his crying was over, Izuku let go of Inko and asked her a question, "Am I a hero?" Inko didn't answer, but Carnage, Toxin and Anti-Venom answered by popping their heads out and saying,"Yes, you are a hero. If it wasn't for you being their when the truck fell, we would still be in containment or even dead." Toxin reminded Izuku.

"If it wasn't for you, Rhino would've gotten away with all that money from the bank, and he would've destroyed and killed people." Anti-Venom reminded Izuku as well, and Izuku felt he was about to cry again. "If it wasn't for you, Izuku. We wouldn't be Hybrid." Carnage said, and this made Izuku smile."Thank you." Izuku said but then realised that Venom hadn't talked since the argument he had with the others.

"Venom?" Izuku said but got no response. He knew Venom was there. He felt the symbiote inside of him still. "Come on, Venom." Izuku said, but yet still no response."I've got chocolate and Tater tots right here." Izuku tried to bait Venom out, but it didn't work. "Izuku, just leave him alone for now. I'm sure he'll be fine in the morning." Carnage told Izuku and Izuku nodded, but he was worried about Venom. He didn't know, but he felt like something was going to happen between them.

"Why don't we watch some TV?" Inko suggested."Yeah, but don't you have to cook us for dinner?" Izuku asked her."Dinner? Oh, crap!" She shouted and ran into the kitchen. The pot she had on the stove was bubbling over she turned the stove off and carefully walked over to the sink with the pot and poured it down the drain. "Well, there goes that idea. Let's just order a takeaway instead, yeah?" She said, and Izuku nodded."Yeah." Izuku smiled and went down to watch TV, and Inko called one of the takeaways in Mustafu.

"Yeah, Hi! Can I have two..." Inko chatting on the phone was blocked out by Izuku turning the TV on with a documentary about parasites playing."Some species of parasite move from host to host. Normally, this occurs when the new host eats the old one, making it become the host..." As time went on, Izuku and Inko heard the doorbell ring, and Izuku got up to answer it, and once he opened the door, he was met with "Pizza time!" The pizza delivery guy said and handed Izuku over the two pizzas and a whole box filled with octopus balls."Thanks!" Izuku said."That's gonna be 6500 yen." He told Izuku and Izuku handed him the money.

He put the two pizzas and large box of octopus balls on the small table, and the mother and son enjoyed the food and the show that they watched. Afterwards, Izuku and Inko went to bed. "Night, Carnage, Toxin, Anti-Venom and Venom." Izuku said, and Carnage, Toxin, and Anti-Venom responded, but Venom was still quiet.

In the middle of the night, Izuku heard something, a voice speaking to him, "Goodbye, Izuku.". Izuku also had a dream as well. He was somewhere. He didn't know where exactly it was, but it felt oddly familiar to him. It looked like the hallway just outside his door, but it was far longer. Izuku walked towards the door, and the hallway continued to stretch further away, but as Izuku began to run to the door, the hallway decreased in length, almost smacking Izuku in the face.

He almost fell to the floor but picked himself up and stretched his arm to reach for the handle and turned the doorknob. He swung the door open and he saw............... himself.

Izuku looked at the almost identical version of himself. The only difference was that he was only 3/4 of Izuku and was white, red, and red-black. "What?" Izuku muttered, reaching his hand out to touch the other him and the other him did the same. As the tip of their fingers touched the hallway, they pulled Izuku back and into his bed. Izuku jolted up in his bed, covered in sweat. "What did... that mean?" Izuku wondered to himself, but after calming himself down, Izuku went back to sleep, but he felt different. He just didn't know why.

Izuku woke up at 6:30 am. His alarm went off, and Izuku pressed the snooze button, sending it into its own slumber. He got up and slipped his feet into Dino slippers and shuffled along to the kitchen to make himself breakfast. 'Should we tell him?' Carnage asked the other symbiotes inside Izuku's body 'We have to.' Anti-Venom said, and Carnage let out an audible sigh in discomfort. "Tell me what?" Izuku asked as he began to pour a bowl of chocolate cereal balls into the bowl 'Venom's gone'.


Izuku dropped the bowl in his hands as Carnage told him this "What?" Izuku muttered, and Inko rushed into the kitchen."What happened!? I heard something break." She expressed her concern."Izuku, why'd you drop the bowl?" Inko asked her son."Venom's gone?" Izuku asked Carnage and the other two symbiotes."What?" Inko said, surprised."Wouldn't he die without you!?" Inko asked Izuku, who nodded, and Toxin spoke up, peeking his head out of Izuku's right arm.

"Well, it happened just after you fell asleep..."


We see inside Izuku's body, in a mind palace, the 4 symbiotes. Carnage, Toxin, Anti-Venom, and of course Venom. "Dad, you're gonna have to apologise to Izuku. You're acting like he's in the wrong for being scared." Carnage told his father, who groaned in frustration and shouted."No, We aren't going to be seen as a loser, not again!" Venom shouted at his son."And if Izuku can't stop acting like a loser, I'll just find someone else!" Venom told them.

This surprised the others. "What!? You can't be serious. You'll be dead by Friday!" Anti-Venom told the being he was cloned from, but Venom shoved Anti-Venom away."Goodbye, Izuku." Venom said with pain in his voice and disappeared from the mind Palace and Izuku's body.

Flashback end

"So, that's what I heard..." Izuku muttered."Was that what my dream was about as well? Venom leaving me?' Izuku wondered, and Carnage said,'Izuku, We have to find him. Because of our time together, any new host won't be enough to sustain him, and he'll die sooner or later." Izuku nodded his head."Mom, I gotta -" "I know, just bring him back and forgive him." Inko told her son, and both nodded at each other.

A white suit enveloped Izuku as he jumped out the window and onto the rooftop

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A white suit enveloped Izuku as he jumped out the window and onto the rooftop. The sun slowly rose behind him. "Let's get this Motherfucker." Anti-Venom said with a grin and Izuku jumped off the roof swinging with determination on finding the symbiote- no, his friend. Izuku was determined to find his friend.

Chapter end

The perfect hostOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora