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Life had been flipped for Izuku. Just two nights ago, All Might had offered Izuku to become his successor, and of course, like any smart person, Izuku agreed to his offer, but All Might told him that they would need to work on Izuku's body. (Izuku revealed his identity to All Might)

Also as well, Izuku had been noticing a suspicious amount of black cars following him around. Izuku was swinging through the streets. Although he could've used his wings, Izuku wanted to trick the black car that followed him closely behind into a false sense of security.

Turning a corner, near a bridge, Izuku swung himself high into the air, making it impossible for those inside the car to see Izuku. He slammed his foot down on the hood of the car, making the back of it bounce into the air and slammed the people inside into the roof.

"Mind telling me why you're following me?" Izuku asked the mysterious individuals. Izuku grabbed them out of the car and hung them in the air by their ankles. "Why you follow me?" Izuku asked like a caveman, but they didn't answer. "Fine, Newton's cradle." Izuku said, and the tendrils that held the two men at the end swayed towards the other, smacking the strangers' heads together.

"Ow!" The man on the far left shouted."Glad to see you can speak. Now, why are you following me?" Izuku asked him."I won't tell you -" Izuku knocked the man into the other next to him. "Alright, fine, but just cause I don't want brain damage. We are from S.H.I.E.L.D, a secret organisation that needs people like you, Hybrid." The agent told Izuku,"What are you on about?" Izuku asked him, and the agent began to sweat, feeling like he was going to be slammed into the person next to him again.

"People that know the truth, that there are others in the universe! Not just humans but aliens, like your symbiote friends and the ones you put into those animals." The agent told Izuku, who dropped the men and said,"I'm listening." The agent Izuku had been talking to looked at the other agents who gave him an affirmative nod.
"Fuck no." Izuku told the agents "Why not?!" The main agent exclaimed to Izuku "You guys sound like dicks!" Izuku told the agent who began to sweat even more. "Please, Hybrid! At least think about it." The agent tried to persuade him, but Izuku rolled his eyes and said,"Alright." The agent was relieved to hear this."Great! Meet us at this address in two days." The agent told Izuku, handing him a card with an address on.

"Did you not hear what I just said...?" Izuku asked them, but the agents completely ignored Izuku and walked back to the destroyed car and went on the phone to whoever. 'Dicks.' Toxin said "Yep."
Izuku walked into a burger joint and as he opened the door, a stray cat wandered into the joint as well and leapt onto the counter on a cat bed that had been placed their for any cats that would enter the restaurant. Izuku scanned around the restaurant and noticed two people that were very out of place, a girl in a leather suit , and a man who wore a trenchcoat with an eyepatch.

Izuku sat down at that table. "I'm guessing you're the people I'm supposed to meet?" Izuku asked them, and the woman nodded,"Yes, we are.". "Alright then, I'm not joining. What was it again? Oh, right, S.H.I.T." Izuku told them, and the man chuckled, taking French fries from the bowl of them on the table.

"I don't think you understand, Hybrid or should I say, Izuku? These are trying times, Villains are getting stronger every day, and now, we find out that we aren't alone in this universe

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"I don't think you understand, Hybrid or should I say, Izuku? These are trying times, Villains are getting stronger every day, and now, we find out that we aren't alone in this universe. We need protectors. People to avenge humanity. Otherwise, there will be no humanity." The man informed Izuku."Oh really, whatever your name is, we'll. I don't really care because you are spewing out bullshit." Izuku told the man and grabbed some French fries, and shoved it into his mouth.

"Nick Fury, that's my name, but to you, I'm just Fury. No one calls me Nick, not even my own mother." Nick Fury told Izuku,"Natasha calls you Nick." The woman next to him told Fury, and the one-eyed man looked over to her and said,"Exactly."

"Anyways, Izuku, if you don't, there will be dire consequences, humanity in danger, but your mother -" "Are you going to threaten me?" Izuku questioned Fury."Yes, I suppose am." Fury told Izuku and Izuku whistled, and suddenly, the stray cat that had wandered into the restaurant awoke, and its eyes were covered green, and sharpened tendrisl shot out of his body and pointed at everyone in the burger joint except for those at Izuku's table.

The people surrounding them weren't customers or employees, but S.H.I.E.L.D agents and Izuku knew this before he even came into the restaurant. It was why he had called in Lasher. "You see, this is a threat. If you ever touch an atom of her being, I will send my children onto you. Lasher is enough to kill everyone in the restaurant, and whoever is walking past so just imagine the absolute massacre that would happen if you touch my mother, their grandmother." Izuku warned Fury and the woman next to him. He grabbed the bowl of French fries and left with Lasher jumping onto his shoulder.

"Did I do good, Father?" Lasher asked Izuku, and he nodded and said,"You did wonderful. Go get your brothers and sisters." Izuku told Lasher, and Lasher pounced off Izuku's shoulder into an Alleyway.

He grabbed a handful of fries and shoved them into his mouth as he walked home.

Back at the restaurant cover-up, Fury stood up and grabbed a soda, and took a sip from it. "Hill, can I ask you something?" Fury asked the agent that he had been sitting next to "Yes, Fury?" She raised an eyebrow waiting to hear what he would ask her.

"How fucked are we?" Fury asked her and she thought about it for a second "Completely

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"How fucked are we?" Fury asked her and she thought about it for a second "Completely." Agent Hill told her boss who shook his head and said "Beyond Completely fucked." Fury told her and threw the soda onto the floor.

Now, back to Izuku, he had returned home and saw his mom having a nap on the couch. Not wanting to disturb her, Izuku quietly opened the sliding door that led out to the balcony. As he slid the door open, 5 stray cats wandered into the apartment.

They sat in a line, and the stray cats were covered in symbiotes. These were the symbiotes Izuku saved from the L.I.F.E foundation and were his 'children' the line of symbiotes started with the oldest, Riot, Lasher, Scream, Phage and Agony. "Father, we are all here." Lasher told Izuku, who pulled a seat out from the dining table and spun it around and sat on it, looking upon his children.

"As Lasher knows, I've been sought out by a group known as S.H.I.E.L.D. I've declined, obviously. But, they threatened not just me but us." Izuku informed his slime children. "They've threatened to do something to your grandmother. So, if you see any S.H.I.E.L.D agents approach this apartment specifically, kill them or put them in the hospital. You can do as you please. Understood, kids?" Izuku asked them, and his 'children' nodded.

"Of course, Father!/ We'll get it done!/ I'll rip out their throats!/ I'll suck their brains out!/ Yes, Father!" His 'children' told him, and Izuku gave a small nod of approval, and the young symbiotes scurried back outside and jumped to wherever they wanted to go. "You must be so proud of them," Toxin told Izuku, and Izuku nodded. "Yeah, I am." Izuku smiled slightly and turned his head at hearing his mother wake from her nap.

"Mornin', Mom." Izuku said,"Mrs. Midoriya, did you have a good nap?" Toxin asked his hosts mother."I did, Toxin. Thank you for asking." Inko said, rubbing her eyes open. "I had a strange dream, though. Can't really remember much about it other than you were standing in front of rubble. You were wearing your vigilante costume and were...crying? I think." Inko told her son, and Izuku looked at her with a confused look."You're right, mom. That is a strange dream." Izuku told his mom and shut the door to the balcony.

Chapter end

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