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It's warm stepping into his house, and I'm really grateful for it. It feels like the temperature has dropped even more outside. I wonder if it'll snow this year.

"It feels nice in here," I mumble.

"Yeah. I don't like being cold, so the heat practically stays on all winter."

"So, you like the summer better?"

"Yesss," he drags out a little dramatically. "Swimming, being able to enjoy the outdoors without freezing, riding with windows down... All that is so much better than being buddled up inside."

"I like summer, too, but winter isn't that bad."

"Nah, I guess not. I did meet you during it."

I roll my eyes. "You're constantly flirting."

"I mean, this is a date. I thought I was allowed to be a little flirty."

I just shrug and slide my shoes off by his door like last time. I make my way to his couch and flush when I remember what we did on it yesterday. I push the thought away and take a seat. He slides his jacket and shoes off before looking at me.

"Do you want some popcorn or something to drink?"

"I'm good. I'm still full."

"Okay." He cuts the light back off and joins me on the couch, sitting pretty close. He reaches for the remote and turns the tv on. "Is there anything you want to watch?"

"Nothing in particular."

"Okay. Uh, what genres do you like?"

"Anything but romance and drama."

"You were definitely a straight guy," he mumbles. I try to ignore the fact that he used 'were' instead of 'are'. I don't feel like arguing about my sexuality right now. "You're missing out of some good shit. Not all chick flicks are cringey."

"I've seen plenty with my mom. I'm not missing much."

He playfully rolls his eyes. "So, comedy or thriller? Or maybe horror?"

"I don't really like horror movies much. For some reason, ever since I was a kid, I always have nightmares after watching them. Every single time. Whether it's actually scary or not." I glance at him to see if he's going to make fun of me, but it doesn't look like he's going to. I like that he isn't judgmental or anything. At least he never voices it anyway.

"Okay. No horror then."

"Comedy's fine."

"Okay. I'll try to find us something good." He scrolls through the genre on Netflix until he finds something that doesn't sound half bad. "Is this okay?" I give him a nod. He presses play and reaches behind me to grab the blanket he has draped over the back of the couch. He starts unfolding it to cover up with it. "Do you want some of it?"

I slowly nod, and he tosses some of it over my lap to cover me. His hand slightly touches my leg as he does so.

"Thanks." He nods and starts focusing on the tv.

My hands are still a little cold, so I bring them under the blanket to try and warm them up. I glance over at his hands, his really nice, big hands. I wonder if they're cold too. An idea pops in my head, and I go to push it away but don't when I realize I should probably give it a try.

"Hey," I say, barely above a whisper.

"What is it?"

"Can I... try something?" I ask, locking eyes with him. He looks like he wants to ask what I'm talking about, but he just nods instead. I slowly pull my hand out from under the blanket and bring it closer to his. My fingers brush over the top of his hand, and he gently flips it over, like he's finally understanding what I'm wanting to do. I let my fingers slip between his and press out palms together. His is warm, just like my face is starting to feel. He gives my hand a tiny squeeze, and we meet eyes again.

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