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God, I'm so fucking nervous. I have been the whole day. During all my classes, I couldn't focus, nor could I get my knee to stop bouncing. I'm not even sure why. Last night was pretty great. I took everything like a champ, so I don't know why I'm still anxious. I've never been this nervous for sex, not even for my first time. It's definitely got to be because I'm the one that's receiving now.

He of course calls as soon as I make it to my car after the last bell rings. I know exactly what he's going to ask. He's asked me it multiple times over text throughout the day... If I was still sure I wanted to do it or not.

I answer, and before he can even get a word in, I say, "Yes. I still want to." I may be a nervous wreck, but it's not going to make me back out. I mean, he's already had a part of him inside me, so what difference does it really make if he uses his dick instead? Plus, I know he wants it just as bad. Probably even worse. He's the one that's been getting less out of our sexual encounters. And he's so incredible. He deserves more from me.

"Are you sure?"

I let a sigh out. "Yes. I'm on the way home now, and I'll be on the way after packing a bag and showering. So, it'll be around an hour." Not to mention having to reclean down there... I'm a little annoyed that I have to do it again so soon. Still wished we could've just done it yesterday, but at least now I won't have to worry about getting home after. I wonder if we're just going to get right into it, or if we're going to hang out some first. Honestly, the sooner the better. I won't stop being nervous until it's over with.

"Okay. Well, be safe and let me know when you're on the way."

"Okay. Bye."


It doesn't take me long at all to get home. I decide to go ahead and pack a bag before taking a shower, and as I'm throwing some clothes in a duffel bag, my phone rings again. I sigh when I see his name.

"What? I just got home," I tell him after bringing the phone to my ear.

"Are you one hundred percent positive that you want this?"



"Quit asking."

"Sorry. I'm just wanting to make sure again... You really want to do this? You can change your mind. I won't be mad or anything."

"I'm sure. You're the one that sounds like they don't want to do it."

"I do. I'm just... I guess I'm a little nervous."

"Why? You're the one that has a bunch of experience. What's one more?"

"You're not just another body to my list, Wes. This is different. And it's just been a while."

"Since what? You last had sex?"

"Well, uh..."

My curiosity instantly piques. "When was the last time you did it?"


"C'mon, tell me. How long has it been? Before jail? Or after?"

"Does it really matter?"

"It does. I want to know."

"Okay, yeah, I've done it since I've been out of jail. It was a couple of weeks before I met you. But I wasn't talking about sex in general. I just meant it's been a while since I've done it with someone I'm falling in love with."

"What?" My heart instantly starts pounding. Did I hear him right? He's in love with me? What the hell? Why the sudden confession? I'm not even sure how I feel about it. My stomach feels fuzzy compared to uneasy, so I don't think I hate the idea. Plus, why would I dislike it? I mean, that's the point of dating, to fall in love. But isn't it too soon? Well, we've been fast with everything else, so maybe not.

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