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(My brain is a little dead from all this smut, plus what I'm having to write in my other book, so I hope you enjoy this!)

Also my laptop is being shitty right now, so this is typed mostly from my phone, unfortunately, so I wasn't able to grammar check it like I usually do. I edited it myself, but there may be errors because typing on a phone fucking suckkkssss. That's why this update is so late. Apologies.

Again, hope you enjoy!


The whole ride to his house I'm confident in my decision, feeling like nothing could make me waver from it. That is until we get inside his apartment. The nerves hit me like a ton of bricks. My hands are a little sweaty, and my stomach feels like it's tied into knots. Even my throat feels tight. When Ryland tells me he's going to the bathroom, all I can do is nod, too afraid of how my voice will sound.

He doesn't waste any time pointing out my obvious change in attitude when he gets back. "You okay? You look a little tense." I give him a quick nod. "You're not upset that you lost, right? We could've stayed and played longer." I shake my head no. "Then why aren't you saying anything? Is something wrong? You haven't even moved from the door."

I take a deep breath, hoping the lump in my throat will go away, and it helps a little but not much. "Nervous," is all I manage to get out.

His brows furrow some, concern taking over his features. He comes closer, making my gaze fall to the floor. "Why are you nervous?"

I swallow before answering. "I know what I want for my half of the bet."

"Okay. I said anything, and I meant it."

I glance up to see a flash of different emotions cross his face. Concern, confusion, and curiosity, concern being the most prominent. He looks so genuinely worried about me that I'm too embarrassed to admit it's just sex. Actions are sometimes easier than words. So I step closer, not leaving much room for him between me and the front door. I bring my hand to his chest, slowly sliding it up to cup his neck.

"What is it?" he asks, barely above a whisper.

"Can we..." I can't say it. I squeeze my eyes shut and push myself against him, pressing our lips together. I guess the sudden movement caught him off guard because I hear his back thud against the door and a sharp exhale leave him. His hands grip my waist when I push myself closer to him.

The anxiety starts to leave my body as I feel his body heat seep into my clothes. Kissing him always makes me feel at ease. Maybe I can do this after all. Wanting to taste him, I push my tongue past our lips and find his. His flicks against mine, making me grip his shirt tightly with my fingers. God, I love this.

One of his hands come up to rest on my cheek before he pulls away. Not wanting it to end yet, I lean forward again, but he turns his face away from mine. I let a huff out.

"Wait. What are you wanting exactly?"

Ignoring him, I bring my lips to his neck, leaving kisses there instead. I inhale through my nose while working my lips up the artery in his neck. He smells so good. I lick a small stride over the skin. He tastes so good.

"W-Wes, wait." The stuttering of my name was actually pretty hot. I like knowing this is affecting him. "I'm confused on why you're wanting this for the bet. I'd do this with you whenever."

"This isn't what I want," I mumble, keeping my face in his neck.

"Then what do you want?"

I can feel my cheeks start burning now that the kissing has ended, and the questioning is starting. The hand that's still on my face tries to get me to look up at him, but I refuse, knowing the eye contact will probably make me burst into flames. I'll never get the words out, either.

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