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The sound of the front door closing wakes me up in the morning. I squint my eyes and check the time on my phone to see it's only eight. Did Mom come home early?

I throw the cover off me and quietly walk to my door. I open it and peek out, not seeing anyone down the hall. Fuck. I really hope it's not an intruder. I creep out of my room and up the hallway. I go to sneak around the corner into the kitchen, but the person about runs into me. I let a gasp out but get hit with relief when I see it's just my dad.

"Son, you scared me."

"You scared me," I retort, trying to calm my heart down. "What are you doing back?" He just left yesterday morning.

"My meeting got canceled due to some flight delays because of the weather. I'm not needed back until Monday."


"Yeah... So, your mom's working all day?"

I nod. "I think so. She didn't mention anything about getting off early."

"Well, since you don't have any school today, why don't we do something together?"

I feel my stomach sink. Not that I don't want to spend time with Dad but I had plans to see Ryland today. Telling him that feels wrong, though. I barely get to see my dad as it is. It would probably hurt his feelings if I declined.

"Uh, yeah. Sure, Dad."

"Alright. You go get ready, and we'll go do some shopping or something. Get you some things you might want. Maybe eat some lunch after. That sound good?"

"Yeah," I say, nodding. "Uh, I'll be right back." I leave him in the kitchen to go get ready, and unfortunately, let Ryland know I'm busy.

After changing, I grab my phone and text him. 'Hey. I can't hang out today.'

He texts back right away. 'Oh. How come?'

'My dad came back home because his work trip got delayed. He's wanting to spend the day together.'

'Oh, okay. That's fine then. I hope you have fun.' I don't know about that... I doubt I will. Especially since all I wanted to do today was hang out with him.

'I'm sorry.' I can't help but apologize, even though he said it's fine. I bet he was excited, too. I mean, he was the one that asked to see me again today, so he should be bummed out that he can't. He better be if I am.

'Don't be sorry. We'll hang out some other time. Just enjoy the day with your dad.' His message makes me feel bad. Here I am, dreading hanging out with my dad, when Ryland doesn't get that chance anymore. I let a sigh out.

'Okay. I will.'

'I'll be thinking about you." My cheeks burn after reading his message. Why would he say that? Now all I'm going to be thinking is him thinking about me.

I push the thought out of my head and wait for the heat to leave my face before returning to the kitchen.

"Hey, you ready?" Dad asks.


Once we're in the car, he breaks the silence first. "So, you want to go to the mall in Waterton Valley? I heard it's pretty nice."


"Is there anything you've been needing? Or wanting?"

"Uh, not exactly." I mean, Christmas wasn't that long ago; I got plenty of things then.

"Well, if you want to get you some clothes or a game or something, we can. I got a huge Christmas bonus I still haven't spent."

"Okay. I could use some new shoes, I guess." I didn't get any of them for Christmas, and the few pairs I have are starting to get worn out.

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