Chapter 7 - Revelations

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As Sakura and I entered the classroom, my eyes swept across the familiar scene of students immersed in their phones or chatting absent mindedly with each other. It was still a few minutes before class officially began, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration at their lack of focus. While I understood that a talking to your friends before class was normal, their consistent behavior during class time was at times irritating. Though there Isn't mutch I could say considering that the teachers never seemed to intervened.

My thoughts must have been evident on my face, as Sakura glanced at me with a curious expression. I offered her a small smile, trying to mask my concerns. It wasn't the first time I had noticed this behavior, and it likely wouldn't be the last. But what puzzled me more was how accustomed I had become to it, despite my initial frustration.

Sakura: "Hoshino-san what's wrong?" She got a lot comfortable with talking to me after a while. We even go out together sometimes, it's nice having a friend.

Ai: "A-ah it's nothing..." I must say that I'm a bit underwhelmed at our classmates.

Sakura: "Is it our classmates?" She looked towards where my gaze was and saw that I was looking at our classmates.

Ai: "Yeah. I never thought that this would be the students at ANHS." I sighed while nodding slightly.

Sakura: "I know." Sakura looked down slightly at my words.

In the midst of our conversation, Chasashira-sensei walked into the classroom, signaling the imminent start of the lesson. Some of the students topped talking but the vast majority of my classmates seemed unphased by her arrival.

Ai: "[Sigh] It's always like this." Sakura and I both walked to our desks, looking to my left slightly I saw that Kiyotaka was already seated waiting for class to start. I looked around the room and saw a familiar sight, the same districations, the same people.

However something seemed to be different today, Chabashira-sensei seemed to actually want our classmates to listen to her. Unlike her usual routine of simply starting the lesson she instead stood at the front of the room silently waiting to gain the attention of my classmates. Looking to my left I saw Kiyotaka also watching Chabashira-senseis movements. Unlike the rest of our classmates, Kiyotaka had actually paid attention to classes. I don't think I ever saw him once be late, talk in class, or even use his phone. I haven't talked to him much either... he always vanishes during lunch and I can never get a hold of him after class.

Chabashira: "Alright class settle down." The class did quiet down a bit. It was the first time that Chabashira-sensei had directly told anyone to stop talking so it must have come as a shock. "Today we are having an exam. Don't worry it does not effect your final grade in anyway, it is simply a way for the school to measure what you have learned."

Ike: "Ah Sae-chan isn't that a bit unfair? The school never told us there would be an exam!"  Sae-chan was a nickname that Ike and a few others had given to Chabashira-sensei. She never seemed to object to his name however I always saw a hint of disgust in her eyes when she looked at them.

Yamauchi: "Yeah this is so sudden!"

I turned my attention to my classmates, seeing many of them distressed at the sudden news of a test. They're clearly a bit worried. I doubt any of them actually have learned anything over the past few weeks. I saw alot of other of other students nodding at Ikes words.

Chabashira: "Settle down. Like I said, this won't effect your final grading. Think of this as a way to see what you've learned."

As those words settled in, some of our classmates appeared content with the situation. However, a few individuals continued to murmur quietly to each other, expressing their discontent about the perceived unfairness. Personally, I feel quite confident about this test. I've dedicated my time in school to paying attention and staying focused. Though my English and Math skills might be a bit weaker compared to other subjects, I believe I should do well overall.

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