Chapter 22 - Mid Term Exam

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The day of the exam had arrived, and in just a few minutes, I would be immersed in the challenges of the test. Taking my seat, I observed my classmates, and saw the familiar expressions of nervousness and anticipation. Although I had some lingering nerves myself, I felt a sense of ease towards the upcoming test. The material Kiyotaka had provided for me over the past few days had been thoroughly reviewed, and I practically knew the answers by heart. Compared to some of the other things I've had to memorize in just the past few years, this exam felt like a breeze.

However, the same couldn't be said for the rest of my classmates. I observed Ike, Yamauchi, and a few others desperately reviewing their notes even in these final moments. It was exactly as Kiyotaka had predicted—many were scrambling to go through their materials, hoping to scrape through the exam.

Chabashira entered the room, and a collective sigh emanated from those still poring over their notes. The exam was about to begin.

Chabashira: "As many of you should know, today marks the first mid-term exam of the year." She paused as she looked around the room for a moment, "Failing to meet the average score will result in expulsion from the school. It is also improtant to remember that this is also an opportunity for you to boost your current class points."

A murmur rippled through the class as the mention of class points caught everyone's attention. Many of our classmates lived on the brink, managing their meager points meticulously. Some had depleted their class points entirely, resorting to begging or utilizing the limited free options the school provided. Even I was running a bit low, with only around 17,000 points left by mid-terms. I had lowered my budget, spending only on essential items such as food. Yet, I didn't feel the same discomfort that some of my other classmates did. My room might be a bit bare, but it had a bed. The food might not be amazing, but it was always available and edible. It was a far cry from the place I grew up in, and even when I had money as an idol, I never exactly spent a lot. As long as I had food and a bed, I could manage.

Chabshira: "The test will begin as soon as you recieve your papers. I will be handing out the papers shortly. As usual, cheating is strcitly forbidden and any usage of devices during the exam is also strictly forbidden."

I focused on my desk, glancing down at the test paper, as Chabashira-sensei walked around the classroom. It was a peculiar sensation—a few days ago, I was wrought with worry to the point of acting distracted, a behavior that still lingered in my actions. However, in the present moment, facing a test that could determine my fate at the school, I felt oddly composed. There was no palpable anxiety or fear.

Turning my gaze to the side, I saw Kiyotaka, gazing out of the window as usual. My eyes lingered on the person responsible for this newfound sense of calm and ease within me. For the first time in a while, I felt genuinely at peace. I smiled to myself, acknowledging the source of my contentment. Despite his unassuming appearance, Kiyotaka was remarkable—truly someone special. He wa-

A paper landed on my desk, and I looked up to see Chabashira-sensei smirking, having just handed me my exam paper. She must have caught me staring. Quickly breaking eye contact with her, I focused on the paper before me. As Kiyotaka had predicted, the questions were identical to those on the papers Kushida had distributed to the class. The smile that had adorned my face while looking at Kiyotaka persisted as I began the test. He was truly extraordinary. Despite feeling like a burden to him, I was willing to do anything to repay his kindness.


Kiyotaka POV

I glanced at my phone, noting that it was 10 minutes before classes would begin their sessions, and took off the hoodie I had worn for the morning exercise. As I made my way towards the classrooms, the hallways buzzed with excitement and anticipation. Students discussed the test results, creating an atmosphere filled with suspense. Entering the classroom, I could see the impact on the Class D students. Many were sitting on their desks, nervously checking the clock and fidgeting. The usual carefree demeanor of many had vanished, replaced by an anxious anticipation, especially for those who had exhausted all their points. This exam could be their chance to accumulate some class points. Living off the school scraps was undoubtedly an unpleasant experience, I thought.

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