Chapter 19 - Goals

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Ayanokoji POV

Kushida's crumpled form lay still on the ground, a stark contrast to the manipulative image she had so carefully cultivated. I should feel a sense of satisfaction, not from causing harm, but from outmaneuvering her. Instead I felt absolutely nothing, this victory was nothing. It wasn't planned, it wasn't anticipated, it wasn't needed, and it most definetely didn't warrant any response from me. Her facde had collapsed, leaving her powerless and silent. She didn't make any attempts to snatch the recording or argue; the realization of her own vulnerability must have settled in.

I crouched down slightly, taking in the scene before me-the fallen figure of Kushida, a once formidable presence now reduced to a crumpled state. It was a lamentable sight, considering the untapped potential that resided within her. Intelligence marked her as an asset, a mind that could potentially rival some of the brightest in the class and even extend its influence higher up the academic hierarchy. Yet, her downfall lay not in her lack of intellect but in the pervasive god complex that veiled her capabilities.

The thought lingered briefly in my mind, a fleeting contemplation on the what-ifs of Kushida's future. If she could only shed the weight of her perceived superiority, she might emerge as a truly capable individual. However, such expectations seemed almost unreasonable for an average student. Perfection was a rarity, even for someone of my caliber. Despite my proximity to the ideal, as my father incessantly reminded me, I remained mindful of my own imperfections.

With a calculated gaze, I observed Kushida, making eye contact with an unyielding stare. Her voice, sharp and brusque, cut through the air.

Kushida: "What are you looking at?"

My silence served as a deliberate response, an intentional withholding of words.

Kushida: "Don't look at me like that." The frustration in her voice grew more apparent. "I SAID DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT."

It was almost too effortless to dismantle her composure. A simple act of denying her the reactions she sought was enough to unsettle her. To emphasize the point, I lightly kicked her in the head before resuming my original stance. A muted grunt escaped her lips, accompanied by what I assumed were tears flowing freely.

The rooftop, witness to this unfolding drama, seemed to hold its breath in the wake of the shattered facade. The scene, bathed in the moonlight, portrayed a stark contrast between the perceived strength and the undeniable vulnerability beneath. The air carried the weight of suppressed emotions, and the rustling leaves bore witness to a confrontation that transcended the physical realm.

The rooftop encounter had been a turning point, far more fortuitous than I initially anticipated. I had always considered my plans to be straightforward and required minimal involvement, but the events that had unfolded made it clear that an opportunity was presenting itself, too tempting to ignore. While my general strategy revolved around minimal effort and maximum results, the situation had changed dramatically. Kushida's poorly disguised performance had unwittingly handed me a valuable tool. Using her as a proxy for my ambitions, a notion I had never seriously contemplated, could be the most efficient path forward. I knew that Kushida was always an option, and I had gleened that she was hiding something from a basic analysis of her actions. It's just she was not a needed part of my plan, just something that would both make it more effecient, and make it require marginally more effort. I didn't really need to make anything more effecient.

However, there was one last issue left at the moment: Ai. It was undeniable that she had sensed something was amiss. She displayed a level of perception and awareness that most lacked. It was as if she could perceive the dissonance between my actions and my supposed persona. Koenji's unfiltered remarks about me had undoubtedly sown some doubt into her mind. I needed to manage the situation before any undesired results would manifest. managing her suspicions without drawing attention to myself shouldn't be all too difficult.

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