Chapter 21 - A Change in Name

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Kiyotaka POV

The eve of the midterm exams unfolded with an unsettling calmness among the students, especially those on the brink of expulsion. Oddly, a sense of complacency seemed to have settled over some of them. People like Horikita, Koenji, and Kushida exuded an air of confidence, and rightfully so, given their academic prowess. However, others, like Ike, Shinohara, and Yamauchi, displayed an unfounded assurance that contradicted their lackluster performance so far.

In the midst of their misplaced confidence, Hirata stood out as the only one urging his classmates to consider extra help. Yet, his words fell on deaf ears as Ike nonchalantly brushed off the need for additional preparation.

Ike: "You know, I'm not even worried about the mid-term exam! My self-studying has always gone perfectly!"

Yamauchi: "Yeah! Me too."

In another corner of the room, Karuizawa and Shinohara huddled with a few other girls, shooting dirty looks toward some classmates. Their hushed voices carried whispers of gossip, careful not to be overheard.

As the room buzzed with overconfidence and complacency, I closed my eyes briefly, attempting to block out the futile justifications from unprepared students. Class D earned its label for a reason, and defects would inevitably remain defects. My attention shifted to Ai, engaged in conversation with Sakura.

Their academic abilities, though not exceptional, had improved significantly through our collaborative efforts. Sharing last year's papers with Ai in advance, I trusted her to handle the information responsibly, knowing she wouldn't succumb to the pitfalls awaiting others who received answers prematurely.

Ai: "Pssst, Kiyotaka." Ai whispered to me after Sakura left.

Kiyotaka: "Yes?"

Ai: "Is today the day you make Kushida give out the papers?"

Kiyotaka: "Yes. She should be due to give them out in around 3 minutes." I observed our classmates as Ai scanned the room.

Ai: "I wonder how they'll react." She whistled.

Kiyotaka: "I assume it'll be a mixture of indifference, desperation, and thankfulness."

Ai: "I see." She moved her chair next to mine. "Why is that?"

Kiyotaka: "Their egotism and overconfidence prevent them from admitting they need extra help. You can see it in their reluctance to join study groups."

Ai: "Unlike me and Sakura." Ai interjected with a hint of pride.

Kiyotaka: "Despite that, many know they need extra help. I expect a last-minute cramming plan for many of them today."

Ai: "Always so observant." She flashed a small smile.

Kiyotaka: "It's more reasoning than observation."

Ai: "So, what's your plan for this test?" She interrupted.

Kiyotaka: "What an odd question. I will do my utmost best to get the best possible results."

Ai: "Yeah, and I definitely believe you." She responded with a mix of playfulness and sarcasm.

Before I could respond, my eyes caught Kushida making her way to the center of the classroom. It was about time.

Ai: "What are you looking at?" Ai asked when she noticed my gaze focused on the front of the classroom. She seemed to catch on after seeing Kushida. "Oh."

Kushida: "Excuse me, everyone, could I have your attention?"

The entire class fell silent, a testament to the influence Kushida had gained in just a few months. The only two seemingly ignoring her was Horikita and Koenji, which was not surprising.

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