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Bangchan: I know I'm being extra careful here but you know the rules around this industry.

the boss was talking very easy going with minho and his tone didn't sound superior.

both put their gloves ready to measure each other's strength.

minho threw the first fist but didn't reach bangchan because he dodged it.

Bangchan was about to attack minho's side but he blocked it and pushed the boss away.

Bangchan: “let's see how long you can bear with me.”

just after those words, bangchan threw consecutive punches at one time and minho used the back of his elbow as shield but that wasn't enough to guard the punches which made him go backwards.

minho couldn't let him have the upper hand so he fell on his knees and grabbed bangchan legs and lifted him up then slammer him to the ground backwards.

Minho thought he won knowing bangchan was behind him on the ground so he let his guards down.

but the things he didn't except is bangchan grabbing him from behind and choking him by using his arm.

Bangchan put too much effort to the point where Minho tap constantly on his arm to release him to catch breathe.

he pant non-stop the moment the boss released him.

Minho: “you've had my respect boss”

He bowed in front of his boss who just chuckled himself away.

Bangchan: “don't worry you're good, I was the one putting too much effort.”

Minho looks up at him and then scratches the back of his ear and hesitates to speak the next sentence.

Minho: “can I have the permission to use this room when I wanna train?”

bangchan nod his head with a smile while his eyes were closed.

Bangchan: “now come on, let us test your shooting skills. ”

They both then walked into a different room and at that moment they entered it, minho spotted two men.

One of them he recognized as changbin and the other one was with a new face.

changbin: “hey mino, I hope chan-hyung didn't break any parts in your bady.”


Hearing that nickname made minho  was about to attack changbin but the latter got startled so he went behind that new guy.

"What are you doing...get away from me!"

the other guys warned for changbin to apologize  and ran fast behind bangchan scared and the boss only chuckled.

Bangchan: “come on I.N... don't be too cold to changbin, he wasn't attending to do something bad to you.”

Minho turned to I.N who rolled his eyes and then looked at him with a scary stare.

I.N: “is this who I'm gonna waste my time on”

Who's this manner less brat.

Minho stared at I.N eyes...they were in the same height..

Bangchan: “so Minho...what I wanna test you for is shooting 10 glass bottles in less than 15 seconds”

Both charge their guns and are ready to shoot.

Changbin: “ready set... Shoooot!!! ”

I.N took him only 11 seconds to broke them all and felt proud of himself when he turned to Minho he found him looking back at him.

It took Minho 8 seconds.

Changbin claps at Minho for I.N to glare at him not really liking the way he lost to him and that made the poor one to stop clapping.

Bangchan: “woah... I.N is one of my best shooters and you managed to beat him at what he is good at. ”

I.N: “REMATCH!!! I can't accept that a newbie to be better then me!!!”

Changbin: “but he used to work fo—”


I.N looked at bangchan with disparate eyes and the boss couldn't refuse his wish because he never ask for anything before.

they rematch twice, thrice then six times, ten times... But it is no match because Minho always win.

I.N(anger tone): “THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING... I still lack...”

Minho: “no you don't... Your aim is good and the way you hold your gun is something you should be proud of”

Both bangchan and Minho left the room after.

only changbin and I.N stayed behind.

Changbin: “he used to work for bts before coming here...don't feel down about yourself, you're cool too”

he tried to comfort the younger but that was no use because I.N grabbed him by his collar and gives him the psycho stare.

I.N(smiling like a maniac): “I don't care from where he is or how talented he is because it is too late now, i already made him my rival”

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