Crashing out

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Lance had been having an awful time as late, Fernando was going a bit better, but the Aston Martin was slowly but surely falling back in the standings, there pace was not as good as at the start off the season and they hoped that the summer brake would help with that, maybe they just needed a bit of time and space, everyone would be back refreshed after the summer brake, were they would go and do something else, Lance for one could not wait to do something else, he wanted to go surfing, he wanted to go golfing and he wanted to spend some time with his friends and family, he was very much looking forward to not living out of a suitcase for almost a month.

It was the final race weekend before the summer brake, it was at Spa and Lance loved coming to Belgium, he of course was a citizen in Belgium as he had a dual citizenship with Belgium and Canada as his mother was Belgian, his grandparents were going to come to the race on Sunday with his mom and even if Lance did not really like the track and that had not gotten better after the death of Dilano van't Hoff. He had seen Anthoine Hubert's crash live, but he would still have to perform, and he wanted to perform. He remembered Anthoine's crash that like it was yesterday, and when he had learned about Dilano's death in the same sector at the same track it all came flooding back, all the feelings he had after the first crash, he had of course raced against him in F3 so they knew each other, and he had been friends with Esteban and Pierre.

"I don't think I can race tomorrow" he remembered he had told Nuno Pinto, his performance coach, he of course had talked him out off that and made his see that these things happen and at least he had died doing what he loved most. It was sad and it was hard to get into the car at Spa back in 2019, but in the end he had scored a point in that race. But at every track walk since the death of his friend he had made a point off it to stop and pay his respects, now he would have to stop twice.

"Lance, 3 minutes to go" he got told on the radio as he sat in his car and waited for FP3 to start,

"radio check"

"loud and clear" Lance responded as the pit crew was checking everything over and making sure that he was strapped in right and that everything was good to go. Then they were off, they were both on the medium tyre and were doing race pace runs and it was going well, they were quite happy with there results and what the data was showing them, then the last 15 minutes they went onto there softs and were going to do 2 or 3 quali laps each. Lance had gone out after Fernando and as he was getting to the end of the Kemmel strait and into Les Combes he was going to brake and go into turns 7, 8 and 8, but as he hit the brake, his brake did not work, his car would not stop and he had just gone through the kemmel strait at almost 340kmh speed.

"FUCK" Lance yelled as he knew what was going to happen, he was going to crash his car, and it would probably hurt, he would just need to brace himself as the walls came closer, he turned his car to try to slow down, he tried to go onto the grass so his car would slow down, but he ended up going nose first into the tyre wall, and it did hurt.

"Lance, are you OK?" he heard on the radio, he had not passed out, he was shaking and he could feel his body shaking from the adrenaline rush that was flowing through him, did he really just get away with that one

"my brakes failed, I don't know what happened, they just did not work"

"are you OK?"

"I think so, kinda shaken"

"P0 Lance, P0, jump out off the car when you can, there is a red flag" he got told and he did, but as he was going to move and get out off the car, he could feel that his right leg did not want to move with him, he could not move his right leg.

"I think I need a medic, I can't get out" Lance said calmly, he had not fully realised what was happening, he was hurt, his leg was not moving with him, but it was not painful, he was not in any pain, but the leg would not move. he tried again but he could see blood down at his ankle and that was probably not a good sign so he stopped moving, his leg should not be bleeding, that he knew.

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