Please just hold me (George/Lance)

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George felt like he could not breath, His lover was in destress, he had just gotten a call from Henry his trainer, that told him that Lance had just had an accident and that they were on there way to the hospital, George had asked if he could speak to Lance, but Lance could not speak to him, he was to busy trying to breath through the pain and making sure that he would not pass out as the shock took over from the adrenaline, he had however gotten the short version from Henry who was still driving back from the woods and trying to find the closest hospital on google maps, Lance was not helping as he could not even move his hands, getting down from the woods and into the car had been hard enough.

"we went mountain biking, he went over the handlebars because his tyre caught a ditch in the road and we had to walk back to the car from where he had crashed"

"call me when you know more and send me a message at what hospital, I'm going to the airport and getting the first flight to Malaga" George told Henry

"OK, see you soon then"

"yeah, take care of him for me"

"yeah, I will" Henry said as he hung up, they were still driving back to a local hospital, maybe the wrists were not broken, Lance thought he had broken both of them, but Henry hoped that it was not that bad, the season had not even started yet, and the pre season test was just a few days away, they had tickets booked to Bahrain 3 days from now.

George and Lance had agreed to keep there relationship on the down low for now, nether driver wanted the media attention that would follow there relationship, they were both fine with the fact that the media portrayed them as close friends, Lance was close with Esteban as well and there were no rumours about them being together, George was the same with Alex, so they both figured that no one would bat an eye about them hanging out in the paddock and during drivers parades, some might find it wired that they suddenly started to hang out more outside of work, but Charles and Pierre often went on holidays together and as both Lance and George were based in London, it would not be that much of a stretch that they would sometimes hang out.

They had gone there separate ways for there training camps, George had gone to Italy and Lance had gone to Spain, they were with different teams and wanted to keep there training camps separate, even if George was really regretting that decision right in that moment, he hated that he was not there for Lance, he had heard him moaning in the car and he was clearly feeling like crap, not surprising if what Lance thought was wrong, would end up being true, braking both wrists 2 weeks before he was due to start the season was quite a big deal, George already knew that there was almost no way of Lance being fit to drive in Bahrain, maybe Jeddah, most likely Australia, but there was no way to know, everything would depend on how it had broken, if it had broken. He hoped that it was not that bad, hopefully it was just bruised, but Lance would not be in that amount of pain if it was just bruised.


When he arrived at the hospital, 4 hours after Lance himself had gotten there, he was met with his boyfriend, coming out off local anesthesia as they had given him drugs while they had set his right wrist that had been dislocated, he was now wrapped up in casts on both wrists and he was clearly miserable, even if he was not really sure what was going on in the moment, He still smiled when he saw George walk into the room,

"hey, are you here?"

"yeah, I heard about your accident, I needed to see you"

"I missed you, lets not train apart again" Lance said as he lifted his right wrist to try and take George's hand, but he soon found out that that had not been such a smart idea, as he moaned out in pain and it was clear on his face that it had really hurt to move his hand

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