I'll be here for you (George/Lance)

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Lance was struggling, the last few laps of the race were tough, his eyesight was blurring, he knew he was probably going over the lines, but he could not even see them, it was so hot in the cockpit, he felt so bad, he had never in all his time in racing felt like this, this was on some other level and he was just wishing for it to be over, he wanted this race to be over, he was not even sure if he would get the car home safe as he felt like he was fading in the high speed corners, he was kind of just waiting for a shunt or something to let him know that he had gone to far and hit the wall, he felt like it could happen, it was getting hard to stay awake and focused on the job at hand, he knew he was in the points, that was all that mattered, he needed the points so bad after a dreadful second half of the season.

"last lap Lance" he got told.

"P9 on the road, but you have another track limits penalty" he got told as he came across the finish line, cursing himself that he had not done better, he had raced quite well and he was very disappointed in himself for getting a penalty and not getting points, yet again, it was really getting him down and his form was not picking up, not helping that everyone was yelling for his head, or it at least felt like it at times, or a lot of the times, he had deleted the Instagram app from his phone after Monza, feeling the need to protect his mental health, he was supported by his family and his boyfriend to do so.

"not even a point" he said to himself as he did the cool down lap, He could not wait to get back to the hotel and get into the shower and see his boyfriend, he hoped that his boyfriend was not feeling like he was, he could feel that his fireproofs were clinging to him, his hole body wet from the sweat, he felt horrid, his vision was blurring and he was trying to do as he was told over the radio, but he was struggling, he was so hot.

But on top of that he was also starting to feel so unwell, he was feeling faint, he was feeling sick and his eyesight kept swimming, everything was starting to blur so as he saw the ambulance where they were supposed to park there cars he went strait over and parked there. Gathering his thoughts for a few moments before he even attempted to get out off the very hot cockpit.

"ohh fuck" Lance thought to himself as he got the headrest off, he was starting to shake, he did not feel well, he looked around so see if anyone was coming to help him, but there was no one there, he saw that the paramedic in the ambulance did not move, he wanted to call him over and get some help, but he took a deep breath and stood up, doubling over the halo to try and get more oxygen into his struggling body, he knew he would need to get over to the ambulance if he was going to get any help at all, taking a few deep breaths before he attempted to climb over the halo.

He managed to get his legs over the halo and get to the ground, his legs felt shaky, like they would not lift properly from the ground, his vision was still blurry and as he took a few steps he had to grab onto his tyre to not fall over as he hung his head, trying to focus, trying to not pass out, it was a struggle, he was starting to breath heavy, he was struggling to keep his breathing under control, his stomach was starting to hurt, like he was about to throw up, he was afraid that he was about to pass out in the middle off the road. he tried again to move but his body was clearly not ready, so he hung his head again as he tried his best to ground himself, he then finally managed to walk over to the ambulance door, or more like fall into it, his entire body was starting to hurt, he could feel that he was getting muscle cramps and he was feeling faint, he was about to fall over, he was trying to hard to keep upright.

"I think I need some help" he got out as he struggled to take off his helmet and after a little while the paramedics got out, taking him to the other side of the ambulance, but as Lance was walking he could feel his head swimming and this time there was nothing that he could steady himself with and he met the ground, his eyes having more and more trouble focusing, but he could see that some people came running over, he hoped that one off them would be his boyfriend, George Russell.

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