Please just hold me (part 2) -the race to make Bahrain-

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Had some Lance feelings after DTS S6E01 and had to write them out. 

Saying goodbye to George as he headed off for the Pre-season test hurt more than than Lance thought it would do, George did not want to go either, his boyfriend was still not doing good, he would get the cast removed tomorrow morning, but it did not sit well with George to leave his injured boyfriend behind in Barcelona, he could not even wash his hair, or brush his teeth himself. Yet him and Henry firmly believed that they would be in Bahrain for the season opener, George was still kinda torn on if he wanted Lance to be there or not, but that had nothing to do with racing, that was more of he was worried about the pain it would cause, he had seen Lance in so much pain over the last couple of days and he really did not want to see it anymore, but then again, he knew that if the roles were revered and he had taken that fall instead of Lance he would be doing the exact same, because in the end every single race car driver is the same, they all do whatever the need to do, to race.

"I love you" George said as he kissed Lance for the final time before he headed out the door

"I love you to, call me when you land" Lance said

"I'll call you when I'm at the hotel, I know you will be tracking the plane, you know when I land" George smiled

"that's true, but please call, I want to know about testing to, I know you can't speak about how Mercedes is doing, but please keep me in the loop"

"a bit of FOMO going on or?" George laughed

"I would say major" Lance smiled and George pulled him in close, hugging him tight, kissing him on the top of his forehead, Lance just let out a sigh as he wanted to wrap him arms around his boyfriend but he knew it would hurt so he did not.

"you will be there soon and I'm going to miss you, please be careful, and don't lie to me about the pain you are in, you know I can see it on your face"


George got the news that Lance had traveled back to Silverstone to try the sim on the Wednesday before FP1 and if he would manage it, and his lap times would be good enough he would be arriving in Bahrain tomorrow, George was both nervous and exited to see him, he sat in his hotel room, staring at his phone waiting for the phone call from Lance that would tell him in he would be arriving or not, Felipe was there, he had done some testing with Fernando, he had done alright, but George hated seeing him in the car, he wanted it to be Lance.

"the phone wont ring if you stare at it, its like when you are waiting for water to boil" Lando said,

"shut up"

"are you hoping for good news or "bad" news?" Alex asked him, he knew how torn George was over Lance racing this weekend, George was worried it would do him more harm than good, he was worried about the pain and what Lance would be able to handle, he did not want to see him in that much pain, the first night when he had cried onto George's arms had been horrible, Lance had told him that he was not sleeping well, he would jolt awake in pain when he accidentally moved in his sleep and he was not taking anything to strong now, he had to build up pain tolerance so he was off all the heavier drugs, he still had the over the counter pain meds to help him, but it had been brutal.

"I honestly don't know, I don't want him to be in pain, but I also know how much this means to him"

"he wont to anything if his hands are not up for it, the doctors wont clear him unless he is ready to race"

"I really hope so" George said as the phone lit up and the caller ID told him that it was Lance, George did not waste a second to pick up, anxious to find out what was happening and how the sim had been.

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