Into the wall

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Lance Stroll was on lap 40 of the TuscanGP, he had been doing very well, he was currently running in P4, chasing down Daniel Ricciardo and he had Alex Albon in the Red Bull behind him, working hard to try to get into the DRS zone of Daniel and trying just as hard to keep Alex from getting DRS on himself, he could not really afford any mistakes, but he was confident that he would get Daniel within the next few laps, he was running very well and his self confidence was at a all time high after a string of good results in a row and a podium just in the last race, life was good, he felt like people were finally starting to see that he was more than just a pay driver. He was not oblivious of what a large sum of the F1 fanbase said or thought of him, but he had tried to keep those people out off his head, it did not always work, but he was getting better at blocking everything out and just listen to the people close to him, That was something that he had worked on, 18 year old Lance had cared way to much and the first year in formula 1 had been very hard on him mentally, he knew that he could smile more and try more in interviews, but it was hard when you are a bit socially awkward and introverted. He really did not like the media aspect of F1, he knew that he had to do it, but he did not really like it, and he knew that he came across as boring, but he did not really care anymore.

"how are my tyres, can I push more?" Lance asked his race engineer Brad,

"all good, keep pushing" he heard back and he smiled, he wanted a back to back podium, that was another life goal of his, he had many goals for how he wanted things to go, but Formula 1 was not something that was a given, he had to work his but off to get anything, they had a good midfield car and it was possible with some luck to get high points and even podiums, but as Lance was getting into top speed the car suddenly blew a tyre, sending him into the wall at almost 140km/h, the tyre wall collapsing around him, trapping him in the wall.

"what happened Lance?" his engineer asked, but as Lance did not respond the worry in Brads voice became much more clear as he tried again to get in contact with his driver, but the hit made him worried, he could hear the impact the car had taken as it had gone into the wall, he knew this had been a hard hit, and he was getting more and more worried, his driver was not responding to his calls. His mechanics and the crew was now all around the TV, hoping to see any signs of life from Lance, this could be bad, they had seen some bad accidents over the years, this was a bad one.
"Lance, are you alright?"
"can you hear me?, Lance?"
"Lance, come in" Brad tried again and again, keeping a close eye on the vital signs of the driver in the car as the medical car had been sent out strait away and double yellow flags with a safety car had been sent out, but only a few moments later the flag got upgraded to a red and everyone was asked to get into the pitlane, there was nothing on the track that they would need to cleared, but the tyre wall was in almost as bad of a shape as the Racing Point that Lance was still inside of, all there focus was now on getting the driver out and hope that he was OK.

"who is in the wall? are they OK?" Sebastian Vettel asked his engineer as he parked his car in the pit lane, with many of the other drivers asking the same
"Stroll, we don't have any info yet, he is not out of the car"

"was it Lance?" Sergio Perez asked worried, he could not see the other pink Racing point in the pitlane,
"yes, it was"
"is he OK, is he out off the car?"
"we don't know, he is not responding to his radio, we don't have any information" Sergio got told as he turned off his car and ran strait to the Pitwall were he was with his team, looking on to see if his teammate was OK, he hoped that he was just stuck and that his radio was busted.

The engineers could see the vital signs from there pit wall, and Lance was alive, but he was not moving about, he was not responding to there calls, they hoped that his radio was just damaged, but they were worried, Lawrence had grabbed himself a headset, just hoping to hear from his son, he needed to know if he was OK, he needed to see his son come out off the car.

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