771 31 10

days after bangchan and Felix fight.

minho learned more from changbin about the gang.

The gang activities are mainly focused on helping other people and taking down bad people in illegal ways.

another thing minho learned is that bangchan owns a casino/spa while changbin is a lawyer.

he knows about another member called seungmin and he's the hacker of the group but no one saw him except for bangchan cause he kept himself locked up in his room.

minho knows about Felix's and Bangchan's relationship.

he settled in the penthouse training at the indoor gym while building a partnership with changbin.

from the day he was admitted to the gang and bangchan still didn't order him on any mission and that made him feel useless.

changbin:“mino!!! chan-hyung is asking for your presence at his office”

He heard changbin shouting for him and finally the opportunity had come.

he rushes to the boss's office and then knocks three times on the door... after that he hears the bangchan spell "come in" then he enters the office.

Minho(panting):“I heard you were looking for me...is it about my first mission?”

bangchan chuckle looking at his new adorable member who joined not too long ago.

Bangchan:“you look excited about this, don't worry it's just a simple job”

Minho leans his head to the side not getting what bangchan is saying.

Minho:“what do you mean...?”

There was silence before bangchan spoke again.

Bangchan: “you learned that I have a younger brother named Felix...”

Minho nodded.

Bangchan: his birthday is at the end of this month and I'm planning to host him a party so I called the best party planning company in the country and they hired a professional one and I want you to pick up him up tomorrow morning.

After knowing the mission details, his hopes turned down from someone who was expecting a more dangerous one.

Minho:“yeah...sure I'll do that.”

The boss noticed the changes of minho's tone and knows very well what he was expecting by hearing a mission.

bangchan: “I know it's a simple job for you but you need to know that you are not a BTS member anymore so please understand my situation”

Minho understands and nodded.






The next day, minho was about to go pick up the part planner early in the morning and on his way to the penthouse doors there stood I.N waiting for him.

I.N: “I heard that the boss gives you your first mission”

Minho wanted to ignore him because of his manner-less attitude towards that day in the shooting room but he remembered that tip -from his ex-partner and older friend j-hope- to be friendly with every one you work with.

Minho: “picking up a party planner for Felix's birthday”

I.N nodded and after seconds he started laughing making minho roll his eyes and regrets about telling I.N the details of his mission.

Minho: step away! I'm gonna be late.

I.N block the way out and stand before the door not letting minho step out.

I.N: you wanna know about my first mission?

Minho stayed silent because he felt very curious about I.N first mission for someone looking younger than him.

The youngest put on a sly smile and crossed his eyes to answer.

I.N:“i kidnapped a regular drug client to lure the drug mafia to a trap”

now that is an amazing job for a first mission compared to minho's.

Minho:“what I understand from you is that you're showing off to me”

I.N cheeks turned red and refused that idea immediately and that made minho smile a very evil smile because he knows why I.N is doing this but let it slide.

Minho Pat I.N's head and ruffled his hair finding his childish behavior very cute.

Minho then left the penthouse leaving a very confused I.N touching his hair wondering why would he do such act on him.






Minho drove to the company location then parked his car a while ago.

he arrived at the building lobby and then he approached the receptionist who was making a call.

He waited for her until she was done with her phone call and turned to him.

Receptionist: yes! This is LC's for parties and wedding planning how can I help you?

Minho: I'm here for the worker responsible for lee Felix's birthday party.

the receptionist told him to wait a minute to contact that party planner worker.

Receptionist: good morning Mr.Han... There's some client that wishes to meet you about your job on lee Felix's birthday.

There was silence because the person on the other caller was talking.

after seconds the receptionist cut the call and told Minho to wait for the worker because he was on his way here.

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