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Shizuka tilt her head up, looking at the beautiful moon, she raise her hand to Zero's hair, stroking it gently, like a mother to a child.

"Now, you've drink my blood. Once you tore my heart out, it will be the end of me and you will be free..... my dear heartless Zero...... I have given you my life..... in exchange, I would give you my last order as your Master.... will you listen to me, Zero?"


In the clear night sky where the full moon sit atop the heaven, a big white dog creature is seen flying under the full moon

A beautiful majestic beast travel at the night sky until it comes fort above the Cross Academy. Upon arriving at it's intending place, it howl upon the moon as his tightly hidden presence unleashed.


Hakudoshi, Kaname and Kaien(headmaster) along with the awake night class snap their attention at one direction.

"Fucking damn it! He's here"

Ichiru, Kanna and Ayame turn to look up above the sky as Ichiru have his eyes widen seeing a massive creature

"What the hell is that?!"

Zero who is holding Shizuka stare at the sky as the massive beast descent, easily bypassing the barrier created by Hakudoshi, destroying it in the process.

And now...... that massive white dog demon landed gracefully infront of him. It's red eyes stare at his gold one, before it lower toward Shizuka who is in his arm, and it growl angrily.

Upon hearing this, Zero bare his fang and also growl in a challenge. Jagged purple stripe appear on his cheek but his eyes still remain golden, showing that he's the one in control.

This is the scene Kanna, Ayame, and Ichiru find when rushing in.

Ichiru who saw Shizuka on his brother's arm want to rush toward them but was stop by Ayame. Zero notice this, look at Ayame and nod, allowing Ichiru to come closer.

"Shizuka-sama!" He called, as Zero pass her in his arm and he knelt, putting her in the ground and hugging her gently in his arm.

Hearing her name, Shizuka open her eyes to see her most trusted follower tearful face.

"Ichiru, what's the matter? You're crying like a child." She said as she gently wipe his tears.


Zero step forward, his back towards them as he block them from this massive beast's eyesight. He growl warningly while the beast narrow it's eyes before it's body shift, starting to transform.

Long silver white hair, two magenta stripes on each cheek, same golden eyes like Zero's, and a crescent moon mark on the forehead. Face look like that of elf or an immortal spirit, he's so beautiful that one can't compare and he have such a cold, indifferent and powerful presence one would mistake him as an ancestor pureblood if not for the fact he didn't look human enough nor like a vampire at all.

Glancing at the two behind Zero. "I see you're still sympathizing with an enemy. You've never changed...... or more like you became too soft living with human once again."

"Yo. Long time no see Sesshomaru. It's been centuries and you're still a bastard." He answer rudely

"Is that how you should greet your elder brother, Inuyasha?"

This snap Ichiru as he glance at the two "Elder brother?" Ichiru ask confusedly while Shizuka glance at the man

"So you're the one who I'm feeling, the one who have such a strong bond to Zero and the one who is weakening my bond with him." Shizuka said as she look at those same golden eyes.

Crescent Memories : V.K x InuyashaWhere stories live. Discover now